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  1. Well, the main problem is that i can't get past the startup load screen. Now after MULTIPLE searches my output log shows me this: https://pastebin.com/R62gpKn3 Complete output log: https://www.transfernow.net/download/?utm_source=06bt0133cyao
  2. How do i get an operlog? Sorry, i'm a bit new to troubleshooting lol..
  3. NEED SUPPORT When loading Starvation, game is stuck on "Loading Game Data" but when i play Vanilla, everything works just fine and i can play. I have tried; Reinstalling game, starvation Pre-syncing Delete registry and reinstalling the game Reinstalling the Launcher 32-bit mode Gl Renderer Update GPU and drivers I've tried with and without; EAC UNET ... and NOTHING works! I've checked the box that says "Update Registry", "Run Game As Admin". I've also tried multiple settings but nothing makes any difference whatsoever. Have anyone encountered this yet when it comes to Starvation? Specs Processor Intel® Core i7-4790K CPU @ 4.00GHz Video Card NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780 RAM 16 GB
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