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Posts posted by Holmes108

  1. On 5/2/2022 at 3:02 PM, Blake_ said:

    That's a great QoL suggestion. It would make dumping and sorting items even easier, and faster. 


    Yes! I've only dabbled with a few mods in this game, and one of the did exactly that, and it was a game changer!

  2. This is exciting news! I don't want to be that guy (the release date guy), but how long historically to experimental periods tend to last? I'm unfortunately relegated to playing the game through Geforce Now, and if I understand correctly, I don't think I can launch experimental through that service (if anyone knows otherwise, I'd love any tips you have). 

  3. 46 minutes ago, meganoth said:


    I never saw the console version in action, are the menues and map there different than on PC (arrangement, or more lists instead of buttons, that kind of stuff) or is just the navigation with controllers somehow smoother (better use of the controller buttons for example, or more inuitive cursor movement) ?



    The menus were definitely the same, but it's been so long I honestly don't remember exactly how the console handled it, be it with a free moving cursor, or if it just handled jumping the cursor around better.

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