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Posts posted by SavageArsenal

  1. If you want to trim the Hud down a bit in size, I made this change to the xui.xml file


    Find line 2 in xui.xml

    <ruleset name="default" scale="1.255" stackpanel_scale="1.05">


    Replace with:

    <ruleset name="default" scale="1.100" stackpanel_scale="1.05">


    You could of course modify the values to suite your preference, this is just what I settled on.



    cool thanks i value my screenspace on my old 1366x768 dino screen XD

  2. i love the mod but damn the UI is out there xD not horrid but not very sleek


    edit~ i think the colors are cool custom icons are great but the main ui layout is a bit off not like it's ugly but i think a edited customized SMX ui or something would be cool, or slim the current ui down a bit would throw you off less it feels like it fills the screen to much.

  3. i know its not anyone else's problem but i play on a potato pc ( cant afford a new one atm) is this near the same as the sdx version, i tried the SDX edition but this darn pc just freezes up on me.


    i know cant play fav's or fix it for everyone single person but if you can keep this one alive to it would be greatly appreciated.

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