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Posts posted by Buggi

  1. Glad to see everything sorted itself out! Thanks aaramus for the tip on using it server-side!


    I'm uploading a newer version of my main mod as well. This mod is geared toward multiplayer servers as it's the mod I use when I stream with friends. I know not everything in it is widely accepted but I thought I'd offer it to everyone just in case :)

  2. I've updated my Flexible Games and Stainless Steel mod to A20.


    Unzip the mods into your install directory/Mods folder.


    My Flexible Games mod to A20 (Quickaxe, weed cleaver, etc) 
    v1.0 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MxGi_gGzijIvzsS92LkhWp1m5-Je6PGp/view?usp=sharing 


    v1.2 update: https://www.dropbox.com/s/zym8vcokrfp4zry/FG7DaysModA20-1.2.zip?dl=0

    Added more stack-size adjustments, crafting recipes for most weapon parts (still locked behind steel), and a sewing kit recipe by request. Made military armor quiet for those of us who like stealth :D This mod is designed around my multiplayer streams so many of the changes are a result of having 6+ people all needing parts and supplies. The quickaxe is just a result of my hate of grind, plus who wants to watch me mine for 40 minutes? College Jacket is because historically vehicles were not reliable on MP servers. Use the WeedCleaver for a little extra boost to farm harvests.



    Stainless Steel A20:

    Start farming that Aloe! Stainless Steel blocks are the ULTIMATE in base protection. Very late-game and something you have to plan for these blocks offer the best durability and blast protection in the game.



  3. Interesting. Glad it worked. I don't think what you pasted would have been your final line though. It's probably something like:


    <set xpath="/worldgeneration/biomes/biome/subbiome/layers/layer/resource[@blockname='terrOreGravelPlusIron']/@blockname">terrOreIron</set> 


    <Setattribute> can add a new attribute that does not exist. Maybe it updates the value if its found to exist. But your starting tag of <setattribute> wasn't matching your ending tag of </set>


    Actually it worked as I typed it, I did fix the </set> to </setattribute> as that was a typo.


    Is there a way to see how the game changes the files? A sort of dump for the data files it has after merging all changes? That way I can see just how it changes the line.

  4. Seeing the screenshots on the first post makes me think the person who does the UI for the game is a retarded monkey. Your UI looks beautiful and thorough. Any chance to make the UI tweaks a modlet? So professional looking.

  5. I'm trying to get rid of all gravel... I hate gravel... Will the following work?

    <setattribute xpath="/worldgeneration/biomes/biome/subbiome/layers/layer/resource[@blockname='terrOreGravelPlusIron']" name="blockname">terrOreIron</set>


    Basically a block to replace any "gravelpluswhatever' with orewhatever. Above is the iron example, I'll have more lines for the other resources, but the main issue is not knowing if I can change the attribute that I then want to override.


    Edit: Okay I tested it and the above worked great.

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