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  1. Hi there, I saw that it was recurring that some people are not satisfied with certain game options. Would it be possible to add a customization menu to activate or deactivate certain game options or even to be able to add others and select them. It could be interesting to be able to add game options via mods and to be able to replace some. (I was thinking for example of breaking or harvesting crops with a touch). I would love a game that is as customizable as possible and that would stick with what we are looking for. Thanking you in advance for your potential opinions.
  2. I remember, it was a more interesting system than the one we have now. I don't understand this decision, I feel like it's more of a rollback rather than an improvement. Being myself interested in gardening and botany, I find it a shame that we don't consider this part of the game more, knowing that food is central to the game.
  3. Hi all wanted to discuss farming because thinks there could be improvements to be made. 1. It would be interesting to be able to have levels to be able to cultivate in the land, learn to plough and then grow in pots. 2. Needed to keep the ground moist by doing manual watering, and consider developing automatically with the addition of electricity. 3. Improve the way we harvest. I propose the idea that when the seedlings are walled, we press "E" in order to harvest rather than destroy the plan. Also over time, if one does not harvest, recover seeds without the fruits to eat. However, this can unlock new recipes like poridges. Do not hesitate to bring me your opinions to evolve ideas and potentially guide the decisions of developers attentive to the ideas of players.
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