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Everything posted by DaralenManta

  1. I had a power outage at my home this past Sunday and it seems to have caused my 7DtD server instance to have gone bonkers. I checked some of the forum posts related to errors people have received after similar events. The specific problems they were running into didn't seem to apply in my case so I haven't tried those fixes. After the crash, I started the server software up and tried to reconnect via my client PC. It had to re-download the map and when I was able to enter the world, the game was for lack of a better word "broke." Here are some of the problems I've noticed just so far: -The draw distance on the map seems to have changed such that no matter what graphics setting I choose, I can't see all that far away. -There is at least one enormous chasm on the map which I bounce off of when trying to enter (see attached screenshots) -Many of the ground blocks have been replaced with some generic placeholder looking block. -The day has reset to 1. We were up to like day 72 or so. -One of our forges has its fuel timers set to some astronomical value like 42,222 minutes. I'm sure there are other issues I haven't seen yet. Any assistance would be appreciated. We're kinda resigned to having to just give up on this map and starting from scratch, but I figured I'd make the effort to see if anyone might give us a glimmer of hope of salvaging this one. Thanks in advance.
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