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Namenloser Held

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Everything posted by Namenloser Held

  1. Hello everyone Plz forgive me if this has been brought up before, I searched for similar posts but the result list was so overwhelmingly large that I just couldn´t go through everything. So to the issue/bug I found: When you apply bleed to a zombie with a bladed weapon and just let it die from the bleed dot you won´t get any exp. I noticed this while having fun with the machete and it seems to happen with every kind of zombie as far as I could see. I have made a really short clip that shows the issue. If you wonder why it only took one hit to apply enough bleed for the kill it is because I only activated the recording after my initial first attack, but nevertheless it shows the issue. So here we go: As you can see there is no exp gain shown in the right bottom of the screen. I think this must be a bug or oversight, since it makes bleed a status effect that is best avoided because you loose exp. Again, please excuse me if this has been reported before, I just thought it might be good to bring this up here. Gamemode: Singleplayer, Random generated world in the latest public steam build A19.6 No mods used.
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