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Posts posted by Shado47

  1. 17 hours ago, ZacATK said:


    Hey, seems like a cool mod, very here for it, unsure if you care to update it in line with the new A21 update, there's alot of calendars in game with the year 2034 on them now as part of the new assets. Just thought I'd bring this up if you wanted to make it more lore friendly.


    I saw, and I might do so - but I don't think the technology in the game really lines up with that. The way many assets look is alot more in line with 2013 than with 2023, much less what cars, computers, etc would look like in 2034 most likely.


    It'd probably be an alternative version of the mod if I end up doing it, so I offer a download that starts in 2020 and one that starts in 2034.

  2. On 4/14/2023 at 8:42 PM, Juanjo said:

    How do I manually change the year, say to 2023?

    I believe in the mod code there's a "2020" listed as a base year value somewhere. Should be in the controls.xml.

    The third line has this string:

    "text="{# localization('daycount_' + day%364)} {#Floor((day-1)/364) + 2020}"


    You can just change the 2020 to any year you want, and it'll use it as starting year. 2020 seemed fitting because its somewhat round, better fits the tech in the game than 2000, and also there was Covid in 2020 and the unofficial lore of the mod is that Covid started the apocalypse of 7dtd. 🙃


  3. On 2/26/2023 at 6:21 AM, arramus said:

    Thank you for sharing!

    Can you also share the terms of usage for overhaul creators who are looking to integrate it, and what customisation is acceptable? For example, setting the year to something different. This is with the Wild West Mod in mind.


    I mean, should be fine if you give credit and link to the original mod. I intend to also release a tiny update soon that removes the extra space between the year and the date before it, since there's 2 spaces there for some reason.

    And I am considering to change the starting year to 2000 to simplify it. I assume for the Wild West mod you'd probably be going for 1800 or something as starting year.

    If you're on Guppycur's Discord, just hit me up if you wanna discuss any further details. I'm going by "PsychedeliCon".

  4. Shado47-ImmersiveDays is a small modlet that changes the day display below the compass.
    Instead of counting up "Day 1", "Day 2", "Day 3", etc., it counts up a semi-realistic calendar:


    "Monday, January 1st, 2020"
    "Tuesday, January 2nd, 2020"
    "Wednesday, January 3rd, 2020"


    It uses 364 day years instead of realistic 365 day years so it'll divide properly by 7, which means if you're playing on regular horde night settings (every 7 days), every sunday will be horde night.


    The counter starts on January 1st, 2020, and after 364 days, the year will go up accordingly. This should work indefinitely.

    Special thanks for their help and pointers with maths and xml code to:
    - Alloc
    - Laydor
    - Haidr'Gna

    on Guppycur's Discord Server.


    Modlet is for Alpha 20 but is tested and works just fine on Alpha 21.


    Download here



  5. Hey,

    I'm trying to mod the game to change the day display from just "Day 1" "Day 2" "Day 50" to something more realistic and immersive - a day counter working in the confines of a "real" calendar.

    So I'd like to make the display start at "Monday, June 1st, 2015" and have all these values adjust with each passing day, month, and year.

    Doing this dynamically is probably not possible, so the best way to do it would presumably be to hide the normal vanilla game display, and to replace it with a hard list where it just skips to the next entry with each passing day, and then to just write out like 5 years of individual days with the full display text adjusted and fitting in advance for it to go through.


    I found the


            <sprite pos="240,-60" sprite="" color="255,255,255,255" globalopacitymod="1.8">
                <label depth="2" width="300" height="30" text="{daytitle}: [{daycolor}]{day}[-] {timetitle}: {time}" font_size="28" pivot="center" effect="outline" upper_case="true" justify="center"/>


    entry in windows.xml in XUi in the config folder, and I also found this:



                        <sprite depth="2" name="dayTimeIcon" width="24" height="24" pos="10,-16" sprite="ui_game_symbol_clock" color="[iconColor]" foregroundlayer="true"/>
                        <label depth="2" name="dayTimeLabel" pos="40,-18" width="250" height="28" text="{mapdaytimetitle}: [DECEA3]{mapdaytime}[-]" font_size="26"/>


    but I don't know where to go from here. The latter one doesn't even seem to be related to the ingame display and seems to instead relay to what day it shows the game world to be on in the "continue game" screen, if I'm not mistaken.

    Or alternatively, since its at "mapView", it could also be information displayed on the ingame map? I have no clue.


    Some helpful pointers would be much appreciated.




    //EDIT and Update:

    I figured it out with the help of Alloc, Laydor, and Haidr'Gna. Thanks very much to the guys.

    Project is now released here:


  6. Hey, I know the latest version is named final version, but I wanted to ask if there's any chance something like the AUG A3 might be added. Its a bullpup 5.56x45mm gun and different from all the others in the mod. Quite an iconic gun as well (as is the AUG A1, which is seen in The Walking Dead, Counter Strike (all games), and in many other franchises, movies, games, etc.)



  7. Sorry if this would be considered necroposting, but I also would love to know if anyone has done something like this or has assembled something from khzmusik's notes.


    I much preferred the old 7 Days To Die AI where zombies behaved more like zombies and didn't magically know the shortest route through a path they couldn't see. I've been looking a bit and I hope there's some way to bring back "dumber" zombie AI via modding some day, where zombies will try to come at you in a straight line and if blocked by an obstacle that is not a trap, will only circle around a short while before getting "frustrated" and then trying to destroy that anyways.


    I remember the old days of 7 Days To Die when they used to take down whole buildings instead of creating a single (and for zombie brains, abstract) path and then taking that and leaving the rest of the structure untouched. Not saying I hate the modern AI, and it sure did solve some exploits like bedrock bases and other ways to cheese the base building, but if you play the game without trying to cheese it, I found the old AI to be much more fun (since the current AI practically forces you to build a very specific kind of base).

  8. 3 hours ago, meganoth said:

    Maybe it isn't always malice when people misunderstand you, maybe you sometimes just explain yourself in ways that can be misleading.


    Fair enough. But I made an effort to clarify my statements more thoroughly after the first 1-2 times, and it kept happening. So maybe at the start, but eventually it was rather blatant misrepresentation, since I was still being strawmanned for early less clear statements that I had long since clarified in detail.

  9. 1 hour ago, JCrook1028 said:

    That's the rub tho, the water system was not functional. it was nonexistent. D1 you had unlimited water.

    I never said that system shouldn't be changed. I already iterated multiple times that I merely disagree on the solution. I don't dispute that there's a problem.

  10. 2 hours ago, Laz Man said:



    Sure, development of 7d2d hasn't been perfect and has taken a long time so the feelings you project are understandable.   


    However, let me reassure you the team is better then it has ever been and are committed to finishing the game.  Hopefully the changes and additions in A21 will be reflective of that once it is available to you to experience.  Hang in there.  🙇‍♂️


    Fair enough. And Alpha 20 has been a huge improvement over any prior versions in terms of a lot of gameplay elements. I am not hating on the game. 7dtd is my fav game of all time. Alpha 21 doesn't currently look like it will match that level of being a step in the right direction though, for a number of aforementioned reasons. I'll be more than happy to be proven wrong though.

    And I agreed with Roland on a few points he made but he started off with such an attitude and misrepresented my arguments so often that it was just a thoroughly pointless conversation all things considered. How one carries themselves in an argument does matter after all. I appreciate your professional response. I'd wish I could expect the same level of professionalism from a "Super Moderator" (😂) as well. But I guess when nobody watches the watchers, conduct like that is inevitable.

  11. I have clarified plenty of my statements and you chose to purposely misrepresent them to have a strawman to argue against. Like claiming I deliberately misled with my prior statements, when I had made my points abundantly clear.

    You've tried to lump me in with the hater crowd, with people who "haven't played the game at all", have accused me of hating for the sake of it when I was offering constructive criticism, have had a constant condescending tone, and you've contradicted your own statements on a number of occasions, for example on the subject of Early Access.


    I don't see this conversation leading to anything productive anymore, since anything I might bring up you'll just misrepresent or completely ignore anyways.


    I have made my points, I don't want to be misrepresented anymore. Anyone who can read and can spend a few seconds thinking about the written stuff can easily identify what I meant by it. There was no need for this whole thing to become the dumpster fire it did, and I don't think it was right to antagonise me, and the user reactions my comments have gotten have been supportive of my views as well.


    Feel free to attack me for this statement as well, I honestly don't care anymore. This has been a thoroughly dreadful "debate". Thanks for nothing.


    Edit: I just went back to see if there was anything worthwhile to respond to in your message after all, to give you the benefit of the doubt.

    But then I saw this condescending word salad:


    lol...You've already admitted that you were exaggerating your claims on purpose and now you expect people to understand what you actually meant when you were purposely misleading us on your meaning in order to drive home a point? What is the point you were trying to make, btw, that needed you to mischaracterize the way features have been developed? Since TFP is constantly completely redoing features from scratch.... _______________________________________________! 


    A) They don't know what they're doing!

    B) They don't know what they want!

    C) They have no plan and are just making it up as they go!

    D) They are ruining features that were perfect with new features that suck!

    E) All of the above!

    F) Other!


    And honestly your god complex disgusts me. Where have I said TFP is "constantly completely redoing features from scratch"? I never said constantly, I already elaborated on what I meant by "from scratch", putting both "completely" and "from scratch" into your strawman statement as well is redundant. And again, I didn't mischaracterize anything. The crafting system underwent deep changes that completely changed the way it was used, over the course of a ton of iterations, some of them more drastic than others in how much they reworked. Yes, code was probably carried over (but maybe it even wasn't - I would well suspect there to have been a full rewrite when the 5x5 grid was removed, to optimise the system since a whole bunch of features of the list aspect and codebase would've become instantly redundant, not to mention the list system immediately got expanded upon as well), but that is besides the point as already made.


    And the whole ABCDEF thing... none of these are things I said. At most I thought more harmless versions of them. Like of B, yeah they're sort of aimless. But I still think they know what they want, and never said otherwise. C no they don't have "no plan", but they also don't have a proper roadmap. Saying the latter doesn't automatically mean I mean the former. D I never said they ruined any perfect feature, I never mentioned the word "perfect" to begin with, I never said any new features "suck" either, and the one time I mentioned that they ruin things was in a generalisation and obviously comedic exaggeration considering the context in which I wrote it, which was praise for the game and concern for the development direction, not hating or criticism without any point behind it.


    Idk who you think you are dealing with, or who you think you are, but don't talk to me like I'm a child, or like you know exactly what I think of the game from the things you have projected onto me. For most of this conversation, you were only even addressing a strawman version of me you made up yourself. That is not respectful discourse.

  12. 57 minutes ago, Jost Amman said:

    FWIW, I can confirm at some point he said what you remember.


    Thank you.

    1 hour ago, Roland said:

    You can offer another example if you wish but since we both know your claim was just an exaggeration there isn't really a need.


    I mean having slightly exaggerated for the sense of getting my point across does not invalidate my claim in any way. Just because small amount of code might have been carried over when some systems were redone, it doesn't mean they weren't basically redone "from scratch", unless you wanna be hair splitting and claim that my original point was that they started over completely from 0 several times, which it was not. I just thought it'd be obvious that even if something gets completely redone, prior elements can occasionally be repurposed. The only reason I didn't write it out in this much detail to begin with was that I thought you'd get what I meant without me having to write a whole paragraph just to give a basic definition that should've been obvious to begin with.


    I could also say "nobody likes to paint their base in pink", when it'd also be obvious that nobody in that scenario doesn't mean 0% of users, just that the amount of users would be very small. I thought that just went without saying. I stand corrected. If this is the level on which we're going to poke holes into each other's arguments, and if I had too much spare time and nothing to do, I'd go back and do the same for every response you have written. But since I'm not a fan of hair splitting, and I have better things to do... lets not stoop that low.

  13. 16 minutes ago, Fanatical_Meat said:

    Dude you don’t understand. People were saying things like Will bandits:

    create new towns or settlement

    can I befriend a bandit/can that bandit fall in love with me

    will bandits setup traps (then some completely unrealistic traps based upon terrain or time or something a game AI will not be able to do)

    Can I live in the bandit town as a crafter and help the bandits build better houses

    and so on and so on.

    Game AI is pretty stiff in every game. No chance the Pimps are going to build an AI that will pass the Turing test using Unity which can barely handle 20 zombies on the screen at one time.


    Again, nothing I am talking about myself hasn't been done in Unity before or discussed as planned for the future by the devs before.

  14. 6 minutes ago, meganoth said:

    You were making that complaint about the water change. I haven't been with the game that early so you could be so nice to tell me the alpha where water was scarce (to show it was already fixed and they unfixed it to fix it now). Or were there were no water containers (to show it was reinvented). Bring some facts to the table.


    Oh look, more words put in my mouth and other things I wrote ignored, when I already explained my views on the water thing in detail. What a surprise.

    7 minutes ago, meganoth said:

    I can (mostly) distinguish rants from reasoned discourse and the ones that come to mind were rants. I especially look down on rants about "there was no reason to bla bla" when I had heard about a few reasons on this forum and often could think of a few myself.

    Oh, and I can look down on them as I am not part of TFP and the ranting posters are not my customers.


    I mean fair enough if you were talking about rants. I wasn't. I see lots of fair criticism all over the place, and it just gets shrugged off. And before anyone accuses me of only looking at Twitter criticism: I check Twitter like once per month, none of my opinions are lifted from there.

  15. 14 minutes ago, Roland said:


    So that was over a year ago ( the last one) and so I'm thinking your memory is probably fuzzy if you think that Joel was saying that the goal was to hopefully have bandits that would simply be "Zombies with guns".


    I like how you accuse me of putting words in my mouth and then you do the exact same thing, when I have basically paraphrased the old plan from the dev streams of the more complex NPCs they were meant to be from the announcements back then. But if you seriously want to tell me that no dev ever mentioned that they'd just implement them as "zombies with guns" early on (and that is also a boiled down version of their statements), then I don't know what to say.


    And I don't appreciate your remarks of "Early Access isn't for everyone though".

    This game has not followed a conventional Early Access path at all. It has been milking the Early Access tag on steam for almost a decade. I don't know what you think you know about game development, but the development of this game has been highly unusual. Instead of it following a clear direction, the whole entire thing has been a construction site for like 9 years.


    Again, I love the game, I have had great fun playing many different versions of it, for almost 2000 hours. But as you already admitted, not every change is always for the better. I fail to think of any other game that has redone its systems this often.


    And you asked me for an example of a system that has been redone from scratch?

    How about the Crafting System. It used to be a 5x5 grid and was completely changed.

    Maybe it is not technically "from scratch" since some recipe amounts and some backend code might have been carried over, but in that case consider my initial claim to be "exaggeration to get the point across".

    10 minutes ago, meganoth said:

    As usual they don't tell us anything about features planned but not in the game. So you won't even find official infos about bandits going into cover. It doesn't make sense to complain about bandits already when nobody knows how they will enhance the game (or not).


    When have I complained about bandits?

  16. 1 minute ago, Fanatical_Meat said:

    I look at the water change differently. The way the game plays now water is only relevant the first or second day. Once you have a cook pot and possibly a forge you are set forever. The way the game currently works there is little reason to have water because after a small amount of playtime you are literally swimming in water jars plus all the damn clutter they cause.

    I like the proposed water changes.


    Fair enough, right now it is suboptimal and hardly playing a role. I just disagree about the solution to that.

  17. 1 minute ago, Neminsis said:

    The operative words there are "As it is right now" but they will also be removing boiled water from the loot table and that will also have an effect. 

    This change isn't going to affect my early game much since I'm a habitual Fortitude player that already drinks the murky and eats the sandwiches. It will however limit my late game crafting potential and that's where my only concerns lay.


    I hope they'll balance it out by making mineral water a bit more common perhaps.


    Idk, the changes don't seem to be particularly well designed. Sacrificing depth to artificially make the game harder, while simultaneously making looting more annoying, removing items from loot tables to make those even more shallow, and so on?


    How about making glass jars not stack, just like metal cans? How about making them require a mold to craft or something? I mean if they really wanna force players to have dysentery more and to be on lower HP all the time, surely there must be less annoying ways to do it?

    4 minutes ago, Fanatical_Meat said:

    We cannot expect the Pimps to do something that has never been done in history as a baseline. This isn’t a reasonable expectation.


    "Never been done before" is a strong statement when many role playing games exist, including more survival oriented ones. It is absolutely possible to do a deep faction system where you can gain favor with different factions through different interactions with them, and have the NPCs act towards you accordingly.


    If this is the plan for 7dtd, as it was stated a long time ago to be (with NPCs having schedules and the player being able to get either on their good side or their bad side), then I don't entirely understand why they'd first only put "zombies with guns" into the game as opposed to dedicating an update to do it properly right away. Like yeah, maybe it'll take a year. So what? This is 7dtd. After it didn't go Gold 5 years ago, it really stopped mattering when it actually ends up going Gold.


    The trickier question is whether or not the engine supports implementing something like that, as well as the random gen nature of most of the gameplay taking place. But I think it can be done in Unity, I seem to remember some other Unity games with decent NPC systems.

  18. 18 minutes ago, BFT2020 said:

    So for a mod creator to use something like a Gorefast, they would need to modify the base model in a significant manner that the original copyright owner can't demonstrate in a court of law that the mod creator used their copyrights without permission.


    No, could just make a new model from scratch. It is not that hard. I have done plenty of 3D design myself. It doesn't need to be an altered ripped model trying to cheese the law. And it doesn't need to be called a Gorefast either.


    There's so many ways around this, and I'd love a 7dtd modding approach that took a route like this, especially when leaning on an IP as successful as Killing Floor. The two mix perfectly after all.

  19. 4 minutes ago, Roland said:

    First of all when was the last occasion you heard Joel say anything?


    I don't religiously follow here, but I remember long dev streams of Joel discussing the bandits. Does that count?



    Second of all, "zombies with guns" was mentioned by faatal occasionally to describe the very first iteration of them so as to curb unrealistic expectations of fans. They never claimed that bandits were being designed to forevermore be zombies with guns.


    And I never claimed that either. Could do them properly right away though, don't you think? Instead of doing a super bare bones version first that people get used to, and then changing them around again completely? And then they could still be improved from there, without it completely changing every aspect of them.



    Third of all, we can all tell by now that if bandits do release initially as "bandits with guns" and then they update them to have more depth you will complain that they have completely overhauled Bandits from scratch for the second time...


    See the hysterical thing here is that I wouldn't mind the Bandits being improved, but you certainly would get that reaction from some people if the initial version is just a low effort "that'll do" version. But I like how you immediately come at me with the "oh, you'd just hate on that change as well" as if I am hating for the sake of hating. I love this game, and every one of my arguments comes with alot of substance and I am backing them up. So stop the condescending tone if you wanna keep up the conversation.

  20. 12 minutes ago, Roland said:

     I think you make some assumptions that aren't true:




    The hydration system change is anything but a streamlining change. Attaining hydration security is now a much more complex and goal oriented process than it used to be. You are essentially building a water farm and until you are able to get it implemented there is a scarcity of water that forces you to make choices about how you will utilize your water. I encourage you to change your jar recipe to make jars harder to craft and see if that yields the same results as the A21 change to hydration survival.



    They develop through iteration and they always have. Maybe you didn't pick up on the pattern until recently but it is how they have done everything since the beginning. Maybe if they would have done all their iterative development behind closed doors so you never witnessed the intermediate versions you would be a lot happier. But they have allowed those wishing to participate in early access to go through the process with them. I've personally been very intrigued by their process. I learned early on not to let myself get too attached to any one version of any particular feature. I think most who are still enjoying the development of this game are of this same mindset.



    So what? Why should they listen to masses of people who have never tried it and have only heard incomplete descriptions of it and who are filling in all the gaps of their knowledge with the worst case scenarios that their worried minds can concoct? The game has had some form of learning by reading mechanic since about Alpha 11 and this is the latest iteration of what has already been part of the game.



    The purpose of the change was not to simply make it harder to obtain large amounts of water. It was to give murky water more of a presence in the game, to bring glass jar containers into alignment with all other containers in the game, to add a new type of farming to the game, and to make water survival more interesting. Having played the system, in my opinion, the change they went with accomplishes all of these things.



    The 600 quality levels and the new system are so completely different from each other that it really shows your lack of understanding of the new system which is fair since you haven't been able to play it. What is not fair is to act like you understand both equally and so can lump them together as the same thing. Even in the 600 point system once you got your stone axe to 600 your fireaxe and steel axe were also automatically 600. The new system is different in that you are going to progress through the quality levels for all tiers of weapons and tools which not only means more crafting but also means no automatic skipping of about 70% of the progression. The depth of crafting the new system adds is completely fresh and not at all in any way the same as what might have been lost when we went to 1-6 quality levels.


    Bandits have always been referred to as bandits even during the kickstarter campaign. NPCs were also mentioned and were inclusive of traders and bandits. Followers were considered but ultimately dropped.  Everything I have read and written about bandits is that in their first iteration they will be basic-- like zombies with weapons but that would simply be the very first implementation of them. Now that they have been pushed to A22 they will probably be more sophisticated. But I have never read a single official source that has stated that the dev's intention is to make bandits like zombies with guns and end there.


    All I get from this is a condescending "you don't get it" and "oh, anyone from the wider online community who is sceptical must've not played the game before".


    Also I never said "bring back the 600 crafting quality levels". The new system sounds good, and it wasn't my criticism at all. Instead what I commented on was the needless change from the 600 qualities to the 6 qualities that simplified the whole thing massively and took alot of depth out of it, just for the devs to now do a 180 again to bring back more complexity into it. Like, its great that it is getting more complex again. Could've just been built as an iteration of the 600 qualities system though, as opposed to the 6 qualities system. Both still were grouped up into 6 main groups. There was a step backwards inbetween that just wasn't necessary.



    Nothing has been completely revamped or redone from scratch.


    This is just straight up false and you know it.



    This I agree with. Building is a lot more simplistic than it used to be. That was definitely a tough decision the devs had to make. Both Joel and Rick enjoy the building aspect of the game and see it as very important. Only they can say why they decided to streamline the building the way they did. They obviously want plenty of shapes to be available (there are many more coming in A21) but for some reason the various upgrade paths weren't as important to them.


    Glad we're on the same page here. Yeah, my claim is not that everytime they sacrifice depth it is to the game's detriment. Removing the sharpening of stones being required to make a stone axe was definitely a good choice, lol. And there are many more examples like this. But removal of certain biomes, building upgrade paths that suited different playstyles, etc.


    I loved the old days when you had to build a plywood frame to pour concrete into and then it had to harden first and then the frame would pop. Or when you had to stack cobblestones into a wire frame level by level and it visually showed in the model. That was fun building with alot of depth and very satisfying. It had a better realism and was less arcadey, and I think the game should've gone on to do more of that, not less.



    6 minutes ago, Halcyon said:


    Shado's gonna hit Roland with the: [pic cut for convenience]

    Nah I enjoy reading long responses.

  21. 20 minutes ago, meganoth said:

    Have you seen zombies ducking behind cover lately? If yes, it seems you have a different version of 7D2D than I have and bandits will bring nothing new. 😉


    I mean this is hardly an argument. And alot of cover in the world is 2 blocks high anyways, so it does not make a difference. They have been oftentimes described as zombies with guns, Joel himself mentioned the phrase as well on occasion, so can we stop the pretense?


    Maybe once factions become a thing, the bandits will be overhauled and merged into that, so you can be on good terms with the factions and there'll be more depth to them.

    But thats not how they're currently described.


    20 minutes ago, meganoth said:

    So this shows you why it was fixed and why this particular solution among many others was selected. So could we please drop the "They keep "fixing" systems that don't need fixing" complaint that you hear all the time on steam from people simply too lazy to read up on the real reasons behind a change.



    No because I am not lifting my complaint off the steam forums. I have been a member of this particular Forum since 2013, I have played the game since the super early Alphas, I have seen more systems reworked in that time than new systems being added. And not just a slight overhang on one front. The vast majority of game updates have reinvented systems.


    For other games, when a system is spotted that needs redesign, usually on the drawing board it gets iterated a bunch until the right alternative is found. For 7 Days To Die, it gets iterated on many times update to update (presumably) without any drawing board. Like, the skill tree variants could've all been drafted years ago and the best one been picked and then perfected. Instead, we're once again getting a reinvented version that is already highly controversial before it even comes out.


    And also... maybe if you hear a complaint "all the time" on steam it shouldn't be ignored completely? Maybe at the end of the day, the customers might actually have a point? Responding to customer feedback with "oh, you just don't get it" seems awfully condescending.

  22. 3 minutes ago, Neminsis said:

    When this was first announced I argued just that point for about a week in the thread overflow. My favored solution to that was to make jars uncraftable but keep spawning them when a bottle was emptied so that you could slowly build up a supply but even that would reduce the need for the dew collector to be built. 

    I'm still not a fan of needing to build 6 3x3 stations in order to cover my crafting needs late game but if they were upgradeable at some point, I'd be okay with it.

    I can't see it as a reduction in depth of gameplay. If anything, it increases it by adding another layer of complexity. 

    If you were talking about removing items making the already sparse loot table seem a little more barren, you might have a point.

    Making the glass jars uncraftable, good idea. Either that, or just harder to craft. I mean Forges used to have mold slots. Bringing back something like that for certain crafting recipes could be really cool, and add another layer of depth to the Forge. But suggesting more depth is absolutely pointless these days sadly.


    And yeah, removing items to make the sparse loot tables even more shallow also seems like a bad move. Like, at this point I can already predict with some certainty that the brass trophy, brass candle stick, and brass doorknob will probably be merged into one item eventually, since they all only have a singular purpose. Just like it happened to the candy tin can, the hub cap, and the car air filter.

    Streamline the loot pool some more and you have no loot left. Get rid of some more depth and sure, it'll be absolutely idiot proof, but it'll be as deep as a puddle on the road. Eventually other games will fill the void left behind by all the removed depth.

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