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Posts posted by slicksister

  1. To get around this problem, The Fun Pimps should program a default trigger to all such spawn groups.  So that once the POIs zombie count is reduced to some low threshold, all unspawned zombies are created and left in a sleeping or waiting stance.  Non-existing zombies may be a necessity for performance reasons, but once the numbers become managable, they should be spawned in by default and not require any specific pathing triggers.

  2. After crafting an item that has been tracked (list of construction items displayed on top right of screen),

    it would be much preferred that the tracking cease, i.e. the list of ingredients disappear.


    It's a pain to have to toggle the track button again after crafting a tracked item.


  3. Thanks for the clarification.

    Ah... so platform in my case would be "PC"?


    Seems like that should be hard-coded in the executable given the current status of console play.

    But that's just me, being sensible.  ;)


    Get a  horse  PC!


    I suppose there is some precedent that we'll all be eventually sharing the road with consoles....

    But will consoles be able to run any of the major overhaul mods like Ravenhearst, Undead Legacy, or Darkness Falls?

    Or will cross-platform play be limited to vanilla?

  4. ah.... "Epic Online Services (EOS) are free, cross-platform services for multiplayer games. EOS is quick to install into your game..."



    so it's something The Fun Pimps are using as anti-piracy authentication and all those steam achievement thangies.  got it.


    Love their "quick to install", but they appear to have left out "painstaking to debug and get right".  🤡


    If Epic or Steam had an ounce of entrepreneurial cleverness, they'd parlay this authentication biz into a general authurization/verification service that supported e-wallets and on-line payment systems.  They've already got a captured client base of gamers, they could have the entire world.  They're just not thinking big enough.

    Oh well, I guess we'll just have to wait for Elon to get X up and running, assuming his anti-compete clause has run out after he sold paypal....

  5. yeah, I really wouldn't consider this a bug.

    I was just curious what was causing it.

    Maybe I've got something misconfigured?

    Though nothing about my setup has changed since I last played A20 back in December.

    And these warnings didn't happen then.


    guess I'll still wait for someone to recognize what this is and explain what's going on....

  6. you need to loot a blender, coffee machine, and microwave in order to craft the kitchen equipment table. Once built, it acts as a workstation and allows you to use those appliances. Though it may also be possible to place and use the appliances individually as well. Finding those appliances is non trivial. They seem to appear in wooden crates or cardboard boxes.

  7. I found a sewing kit at a trader after I maxed out secret stash


    haven't come across any construction sites or working stiffs stores yet, just pass-n-gas. Where'd you find your sockets?

  8. The most recent patch has some issues with lost quest state. It is being looked into. Don't download the patch (or run the launcher with update enabled) unless you back up your save game (and ideally the mod directory). I believe Jax is investigating these issues and should provide a fix shortly. Just a heads up... In the meantime, if you haven't applied the patch, you can always run your existing modded games directly from mod directory via running 7DaysToDie.exe (the one without the _eac suffix). Save often!

  9. Disassembled cars leave behind a a tuft of grey grass. That's an in game placeholder for the car to respawn. If you don't want cars to respawn, just destroy the grey grass they leave behind and they won't. The grey grass has a lot of health, so the quickest way is to drop a hay bale or wood frame on it. Squash. It's no more. and no more car respawn.

  10. @Gamida, you're saying harvesting of trees has been so complete, you have to replant trees? wow!

    Sorta hard to get seeds for planting when they're used for making trail mix. yum!

  11. @Siveria, I suspect you're not actually hitting them in the head. Could it be you're hitting them in the arm or raised hands? Are you holding down the left mouse button to rain down a continuous stream of hits? I found if I timed my hit to actually hit the exposed head (especially after a stagger) they drop a lot faster. Also the initial club is a really poor weapon. Try putting 3 points into advanced blunt weapons and getting at least the iron reinforced club. It does better damage.


    As per Bolivar, isn't he the one with the outstreteched arms? If so, you're again most likely hitting his hands/arms and not his head. headshots are almost required to do any significant damage. Bolivar is one of the advanced Z's and has somewhere around 1300 hp IIRC. One point of damage per hit to the hands will take a long time. I found bowshots to be more effective to get past the outstretched hands.


    my 2 cents...

  12. Honestly the only real issue I have, that really bothers me is how tanky most zombies are. I can deal with the rest easly enough, but zombies taking like 6+ headshots on nomad diffculty is a little nuts.



    come on. everyone knows you gotta hit them in the head


  13. sorry, when you see:

    "Makabriel's New RWGMixer with more towns and cities and better chances at traders. More POI variety mixture."

    that means a wipe is required. Any changes to the RWGMixer, means new world will not be compatible with old.

    (that and other reasons, like changing block id's)


  14. in changing the way food is heated, you've cheated your way past the "eating bugs" phase of the survival process. The game is meant to be an extended playing experience with a progression of increasing skills over time. If you want to curtail that experience you're missing the whole point of the mod. The game is attempting to model the survival process. It takes perseverance and attention to detail to survive. It is not broken. It is simply not the way you imagine it to be. But reality is the same way. It too, is often not the way you imagine it to be. Gonna cheat your way there, too?

  15. If carbon is not accumulating in the blacksmith forge, you're not running the most current RH 4.2 mod. Carbon was initially wrongfully converting into iron in the blacksmith forge, but has now been fixed. You need to either upgrade to RH 4.2 (though it's still listed as 4.1 in the launcher) or manually edit the xml files to correct this single bug. (though you'll have to search how to do that, I can't help you there).

  16. wield lockpick kit and have cheap lockpick in inventory. right click on plain locked door. If it has barricading, you can remove that first to get down to plain locked door. those can be picked as well. also some commercial metal locked doors.

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