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Maboroshi Daikon

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Refugee (1/15)



  1. I've logged in, but I'm guessing that only gives permission level 1000 by default. I've also tried changing the permissions for some of the other map functions to 2000. I'll try adding my steam account as an administrator tonight and see if that helps. Thanks for the suggestion. EDIT: That was it. Not sure how I missed it before, but web.map was commented out in webpermissions.xml. Stuck out like a sore thumb when I used Notepad++ on the file instead of notepad. It's working now. Thanks!
  2. I'm having some issues with the mapping function of Alloc's fixes and was hoping I could get some ideas on things I could try to get it fixed. First off, I've been using Alloc's for a while and never had any issues with it. I've switched maps before and only had an issue this time when I went from A14 to A15 b105 (new map, wiped out old map) It seems the map tiles are being built properly as I can see the image files in the saved game folder and they look fine. The webserver is actually running as the site comes up. The problem is that there's no map displayed on the page. I get the menu items in the upper left and the login button in the lower left, but no tiles are displayed and the map navigator that's normally in the lower right is also missing. I'm thinking that maybe the webserver is looking in the wrong saved game folder, but I can't seem to locate a configuration file anywhere that has that information (and I've never changed that information before on map swapouts that worked). I did do a full uninstall and wipe of directories before reinstalling A15 then copied in the latest (2016/9/25) Alloc's Mod directory into the 7 days to die server folder. Any ideas on other things to check would help out a lot.
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