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  1. It is most noticeable and consistent in the wasteland, so I agree there is probably something with that biome specifically. I think if I had a horde base there, it might blow my console up. 🥲 I also have the base in Pine Forest. I think it was stage 170 or so. And I’m on ps5. I will say that the experience I’m speaking from specifically at the moment was in multiplayer. So that probably has a lot to do with it, spawning extra zombies and things. However, I have also seen similar drops in my solo game as well, they just aren’t as bad and I’m also not as far along yet. I know consoles have a lot more limitations though, so I don’t know if there’s much more optimizing to be done. There was a chunk persistence option when starting a new game, which is set to “very long” by default on ps5(it’s unlimited on my pc). I don’t know if lowering that would do anything at all performance wise, or if that’s strictly only related to save file size which it mentions in the description. I could try it the next time I start a new game. Thanks for the suggestions and input
  2. Can’t speak for the OP, but I can say that I also have big issues with fps on later horde nights, and mine is indeed set at the default 8. It was fine for the first couple, then really plummeted for the following blood moons. It’s pretty much a slideshow at this point. Also in the wasteland in general it sometimes gets noticeably choppy, more so in cities. Not sure if there’s any settings I can try to help it, but hopefully they can optimize in some way to where the default settings can maintain a decent frame rate in those two areas.
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