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  1. Sorry for the late response, haven't had much time to work on this. I did manage to get the game to load the mods, turns out there was a missing / in it. Actually forgot I made that post. the game complained about the modinfo lines so I ended up removing them. a tool I was using wanted them in but I since ditched the tool. The modname both in the folder and in modinfo was changed to have a _ instead of a space. As fir the config dump, when I go to my saved games location I do not see any config really. I even went and deleted all my saved in game but yet I had files in my saved games location. Currently it has just profiles and serveradmin in the save folder at C:\Users\drats\AppData\Roaming\7DaysToDie\Saves. It is weird because I also deleted all my worlds from C:\Users\drats\AppData\Roaming\7DaysToDie\GeneratedWorlds but yet the game registers that I have a world called myworld which is nothing but a flat world with trees.. and C:\Users\drats\AppData\Roaming\7DaysToDie\SavesLocal has a bunch of folders ranging from 2022 to January 2024. nothing newer. but yet I have made new saves and since erased all my saves except my current testing ones. Since the mods are showing up in game now this thread is going to be closed as the issue is resolved. If I have any other issues I will use the thread I forgot about or make one using my mod's name so it is easier to keep track of. Thank you all for your help.
  2. So I am a new modder. Example I haven't successful made a mod yet that utilizes xpaths. this was my first attempt but the game fails to load the mod even when it is in the mod folder. Mod Info <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <xml> <ModInfo> <Name value="Drats Skills" /> <!-- (Required) Internal name, like an ID, of the mod. Should be globally unique, like an author prefix + name. Only allowed chars: Numbers, latin letters, underscores, dash --> <DisplayName value="Drats Skills" /> <!-- (Required) Name used for display purposes, like shown in the mods UI at some point. Could be the same as you would later on use on workshop or wherever mods get distributed --> <Version value="0.1" /> <!-- (Required) SemVer version of the mod. Has to be in the format major.minor[.build[.revision]] (i.e. build and revision can be left out, recommend using them though as typically done with Semantic Versioning --> <Description value="Changes some perks" /> <!-- (Optional) More text to show on UIs --> <Author value="Drats666" /> <!-- (Optional) Name(s) of the author(s) --> <Website value="N/A"/> </ModInfo> </xml> and the mod itself. Config\progression.xml <configs> <!-- Changes lockpicking to be actually useful and make sense to spend points on. --> <set xpath="//perk[@name='perkLockPicking']//passive_effect[@name='LockPickTime']/@value">.25,.75</set> <set xpath="//perk[@name='perkLockPicking']//passive_effect[@name='LockPickBreakChance']/@value">.33,100</set> <!-- Changes robotics to be more useful --> <set xpath="//perk[@name='perkTurrets']//passive_effect[@name='JunkTurretActiveCount']/@value">9</set> <set xpath="//perk[@name='perkTurrets']//passive_effect[@name='JunkTurretActiveRange']/@value">10,20,40,60,80,180</set> </configs> The values are basically placeholders until I figure out what my group wants them to be. I have tested them by giving myself EXP, buying the skills effected and testing them. However it is clear by my broken picklocks and my limit of 3 turrets that they arent working properly. any help would be appreciated as to why.
  3. So for the lockpick example.. I came up with this. I have a \ \Config \Config\progression.xml \ModInfo.xml the progression XML is <configs> <!-- Changes lockpicking to be actually useful and make sense to spend points on. --> <set xpath="//perk[@name='perkLockPicking']/effect_group/passive_effect[@name='LockPickTime']/@value">.25,.75</set> <set xpath="//progression/perk[name='LockPickBreakChance']/effect_group/passive_effect[name='LockPickTime']/@value">.33,100</set> </configs> and the modinfo is <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <xml> <ModInfo> <Name value="Drats Skills" /> <!-- (Required) Internal name, like an ID, of the mod. Should be globally unique, like an author prefix + name. Only allowed chars: Numbers, latin letters, underscores, dash --> <DisplayName value="Drats Skills" /> <!-- (Required) Name used for display purposes, like shown in the mods UI at some point. Could be the same as you would later on use on workshop or wherever mods get distributed --> <Version value="0.1" /> <!-- (Required) SemVer version of the mod. Has to be in the format major.minor[.build[.revision]] (i.e. build and revision can be left out, recommend using them though as typically done with Semantic Versioning --> <Description value="Changes some perks" /> <!-- (Optional) More text to show on UIs --> <Author value="Drats666" /> <!-- (Optional) Name(s) of the author(s) --> <Website value="N/A"/> </ModInfo> </xml> However when going into a test world that I made after putting it into my mods folder. it doesn't seem to have worked. did I miss something?
  4. Hello. I am dipping my toes into modding 7 days to die. I am new to using xpathing and I wanted to make sure I had some of my expressions correct. <set xpath="/progression/perk[name='perkLockPicking']"/effect_group/passive_effect[name='LockPickTime']/@value">.25,.75</set> is an example of one of them. that should I believe change the lockpick time. <configs> <append xpath="/items"> <item name="Googly Eye Glasses"> <property name="Extends" value="apparelShades"/> </effect_group> </item> </append> </configs> would add that to the items root path correct?
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