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Everything posted by Laegel

  1. Yup, I've been to Discord and got some help directly. But you're right: when extracting the prefabs, all important tags got replaced by "UnknownXX", which caused the game not to recognize the entities. Note that it's not just the "Origin" GameObject: gore parts also have a tag. I've made this Python script to replace the tags in prefabs ( but don't execute it, since it seems to have created issues with the transform matrices of many prefabs, so I ended up fixing them manually. 🫠😞 import glob from unityparser import UnityDocument def set_tag(entry, value): entry.m_TagString = value def modify_prefab(file): doc = UnityDocument.load_yaml(file) mapping = { "HeadGore": "L_HeadGore", "Hips": "E_BP_Body", "LeftUpperLegGore": "L_LeftUpperLegGore", "RightUpperLegGore": "L_RightUpperLegGore", "LeftLeg": "E_BP_LLowerLeg", "RightLeg": "E_BP_RLowerLeg", "LeftUpLeg": "E_BP_LLeg", "RightUpLeg": "E_BP_RLeg", "Head": "E_BP_Head", "LeftLowerLegGore": "L_LeftLowerLegGore", "RightLowerLegGore": "L_RightLowerLegGore", "RightUpperArmGore": "L_RightUpperArmGore", "LeftUpperArmGore": "L_LeftUpperArmGore", "LeftLowerArmGore": "L_LeftLowerArmGore", "RightLowerArmGore": "L_RightLowerArmGore", "Origin": "E_BP_BipedRoot", "Collider": "LargeEntityBlocker", } entries = doc.filter(class_names=("GameObject",)) for entry in entries: if entry.m_Name in mapping.keys(): set_tag(entry, mapping[entry.m_Name]) doc.dump_yaml() Also, the meshes appeared white because the ripped shader wasn't doing anything (it's been generated so the project doesn't break). To fix this, I used one shared in Discord. What are your issues?
  2. I've been able to extract everything I needed thanks to https://github.com/AssetRipper/AssetRipper. After loading the bundle content in Unity, I've changed the texture, re-created the entities bundle and changed the entityclasses.xml: <Test> <set xpath="//entity_class[@name='zombieArlene' or @name='zombieArleneFeral']/property[@name='Mesh']/@value"> #@modfolder:Resources/bcb3fda78435ca5a58d6d9a80f1622dd.bundle?ZArlene.prefab</set> </Test> From what I see in-game, the modification is applied but unsuccessful: https://ibb.co/CtzgNMn While the mesh is loaded and the entity acts normally, the texture is missing, it has no HP bar showing up and I keep getting this error in the logs: NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at BlockDamage.OnEntityCollidedWithBlock (WorldBase _world, System.Int32 _clrIdx, Vector3i _blockPos, BlockValue _blockValue, Entity _targetEntity) [0x0005b] in <4fda5fdf844d4aa1ab3483d85a7c21c0>:0 at ChunkCluster.CheckCollisionWithBlocks (Entity _entity) [0x00239] in <4fda5fdf844d4aa1ab3483d85a7c21c0>:0 at World.CheckEntityCollisionWithBlocks (Entity _entity) [0x0002b] in <4fda5fdf844d4aa1ab3483d85a7c21c0>:0 at Entity.ccEntityCollisionResults () [0x001ce] in <4fda5fdf844d4aa1ab3483d85a7c21c0>:0 at Entity.ccEntityCollision (UnityEngine.Vector3 _vel) [0x00016] in <4fda5fdf844d4aa1ab3483d85a7c21c0>:0 at Entity.entityCollision (UnityEngine.Vector3 _motion) [0x000e8] in <4fda5fdf844d4aa1ab3483d85a7c21c0>:0 at EntityAlive.DefaultMoveEntity (UnityEngine.Vector3 _direction, System.Boolean _isDirAbsolute) [0x0026f] in <4fda5fdf844d4aa1ab3483d85a7c21c0>:0 at EntityAlive.MoveEntityHeaded (UnityEngine.Vector3 _direction, System.Boolean _isDirAbsolute) [0x00216] in <4fda5fdf844d4aa1ab3483d85a7c21c0>:0 at EntityHuman.MoveEntityHeaded (UnityEngine.Vector3 _direction, System.Boolean _isDirAbsolute) [0x00125] in <4fda5fdf844d4aa1ab3483d85a7c21c0>:0 at EntityAlive.OnUpdateLive () [0x001a8] in <4fda5fdf844d4aa1ab3483d85a7c21c0>:0 at EntityEnemy.OnUpdateLive () [0x00000] in <4fda5fdf844d4aa1ab3483d85a7c21c0>:0 at EntityHuman.OnUpdateLive () [0x00000] in <4fda5fdf844d4aa1ab3483d85a7c21c0>:0 at EntityAlive.OnUpdateEntity () [0x00035] in <4fda5fdf844d4aa1ab3483d85a7c21c0>:0 at World.TickEntity (Entity e, System.Single _partialTicks) [0x0011e] in <4fda5fdf844d4aa1ab3483d85a7c21c0>:0 at World.TickEntitiesSlice (System.Int32 count) [0x00037] in <4fda5fdf844d4aa1ab3483d85a7c21c0>:0 at World.TickEntitiesSlice () [0x00000] in <4fda5fdf844d4aa1ab3483d85a7c21c0>:0 at GameManager.UpdateTick () [0x00026] in <4fda5fdf844d4aa1ab3483d85a7c21c0>:0 at GameManager.gmUpdate () [0x00336] in <4fda5fdf844d4aa1ab3483d85a7c21c0>:0 at GameManager.Update () [0x00000] in <4fda5fdf844d4aa1ab3483d85a7c21c0>:0 Any clues here?
  3. Looks like I've tried to replace a mesh with a texture, which makes no sense. 🤦‍♂️ After digging a bit more in the XML files (especially entityclasses.xml), I don't think it's possible to change a texture without overriding the mesh, is it? So I've tried to extract the mesh with UABEA in order to apply modifications to it directly but I can't find any "export" action when selecting a mesh; how can I extract meshes?
  4. Hey there! I've been enjoying 7DTD for years and recently decided to explore the modding section to make the game slightly customized. I'm working on a first simple mod which goal is to replace current zombies textures. I have extracted the textures via UABEA (thanks a lot to 4sheetzngeegles!). First, I've tried to just replace the zombies.bundle with the updated textures but it caused errors, saying that the bundle was corrupted. Instead, I decided to create my own Unity bundle and embed it inside a mod. Here is the bundle manifest: ManifestFileVersion: 0 CRC: 1339901114 Hashes: AssetFileHash: serializedVersion: 2 Hash: e1a876901da95e3cf3a34cf66d7a063e TypeTreeHash: serializedVersion: 2 Hash: b0363f7088f9761414f730641bf9a24b HashAppended: 0 ClassTypes: - Class: 28 Script: {instanceID: 0} SerializeReferenceClassIdentifiers: [] Assets: - Assets/zombies/HD_YoGrey.png - Assets/zombies/HD_TomClarkGrey.png - Assets/zombies/HD_ArleneGrey.png Dependencies: [] For now, the bundle only contains 3 textures: HD_ArleneGrey, HD_TomClarkGrey and HD_YoGrey. I've created the entityclasses.xml file with the following content: <Test> <!-- CHANGE TEXTURES --> <set xpath="//entity_class[@name='zombieArlene' or @name='zombieArleneFeral']/property[@name='Mesh']/@value"> #@modfolder:Resources/entities.bundle?HD_ArleneGrey</set> <set xpath="//entity_class[@name='zombieTomClark' or @name='zombieTomClarkFeral']/property[@name='Mesh']/@value"> #@modfolder:Resources/entities.bundle?HD_TomClarkGrey</set> <set xpath="//entity_class[@name='zombieYo' or @name='zombieYoFeral']/property[@name='Mesh']/@value"> #@modfolder:Resources/entities.bundle?HD_YoGrey</set> </Test> I took a look at https://7daystodiemods.com/adredens-christmas-a20/ in order to understand how to replace a texture via XML. Maybe this way is outdated. When I start the game and reach a location with zombies, I get this kind of error: 2024-01-12T11:53:48 346.878 INF 134.2995 SleeperVolume -1619, 58, 474: Still alive 'GameObject' 2024-01-12T11:53:48 346.971 INF 134.3931 SleeperVolume -1619, 58, 474: Restoring -1615, 60, 490 (-101, 30) 'zombieYo', count 2 2024-01-12T11:53:48 346.971 ERR Could not load file '#@modfolder(Test):Resources/entities.bundle?HD_YoGrey' for entity_class 'zombieYo' ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: Name cannot be null at UnityEngine.Transform.Find (System.String n) [0x00009] in <799d47ea3fd1460380efad1aacedaf7c>:0 at AvatarZombieController.SwitchModelAndView (System.String _modelName, System.Boolean _bFPV, System.Boolean _bMale) [0x00000] in <4fda5fdf844d4aa1ab3483d85a7c21c0>:0 at EModelBase.SwitchModelAndView (System.Boolean _bFPV, System.Boolean _bMale) [0x000e8] in <4fda5fdf844d4aa1ab3483d85a7c21c0>:0 at EModelBase.InitCommon () [0x0002a] in <4fda5fdf844d4aa1ab3483d85a7c21c0>:0 at EModelBase.Init (World _world, Entity _entity) [0x000d9] in <4fda5fdf844d4aa1ab3483d85a7c21c0>:0 at Entity.InitEModel () [0x00061] in <4fda5fdf844d4aa1ab3483d85a7c21c0>:0 at Entity.Init (System.Int32 _entityClass) [0x0000d] in <4fda5fdf844d4aa1ab3483d85a7c21c0>:0 at EntityAlive.Init (System.Int32 _entityClass) [0x00000] in <4fda5fdf844d4aa1ab3483d85a7c21c0>:0 at EntityEnemy.Init (System.Int32 _entityClass) [0x00000] in <4fda5fdf844d4aa1ab3483d85a7c21c0>:0 at EntityFactory.CreateEntity (EntityCreationData _ecd) [0x004c2] in <4fda5fdf844d4aa1ab3483d85a7c21c0>:0 at EntityFactory.CreateEntity (System.Int32 _et, System.Int32 _id, ItemValue _itemValue, System.Int32 _count, UnityEngine.Vector3 _transformPos, UnityEngine.Vector3 _transformRot, System.Single _lifetime, System.Int32 _playerId, System.String _skinName, System.Int32 _spawnById, System.String _spawnByName) [0x0001b] in <4fda5fdf844d4aa1ab3483d85a7c21c0>:0 at EntityFactory.CreateEntity (System.Int32 _et, System.Int32 _id, UnityEngine.Vector3 _transformPos, UnityEngine.Vector3 _rotation) [0x0000c] in <4fda5fdf844d4aa1ab3483d85a7c21c0>:0 at EntityFactory.CreateEntity (System.Int32 _et, UnityEngine.Vector3 _transformPos, UnityEngine.Vector3 _rotation) [0x00000] in <4fda5fdf844d4aa1ab3483d85a7c21c0>:0 at SleeperVolume.Spawn (World _world, System.Int32 entityClass, System.Int32 spawnIndex, GameStageGroup group, BlockSleeper block) [0x000cb] in <4fda5fdf844d4aa1ab3483d85a7c21c0>:0 at SleeperVolume.UpdateSpawn (World _world) [0x001e7] in <4fda5fdf844d4aa1ab3483d85a7c21c0>:0 at SleeperVolume.Tick (World _world) [0x00010] in <4fda5fdf844d4aa1ab3483d85a7c21c0>:0 at World.TickSleeperVolumes () [0x00027] in <4fda5fdf844d4aa1ab3483d85a7c21c0>:0 at World.OnUpdateTick (System.Single _partialTicks, System.ArraySegment`1[T] _activeChunks) [0x0024b] in <4fda5fdf844d4aa1ab3483d85a7c21c0>:0 at GameManager.UpdateTick () [0x00073] in <4fda5fdf844d4aa1ab3483d85a7c21c0>:0 at GameManager.gmUpdate () [0x00336] in <4fda5fdf844d4aa1ab3483d85a7c21c0>:0 at GameManager.Update () [0x00000] in <4fda5fdf844d4aa1ab3483d85a7c21c0>:0 It happens for every kind of retextured zombie. The error sounds rather clear: "Could not load file". However, I have no idea how to fix that; are there invalid paths? Thanks for reading!
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