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Posts posted by Boudriov

  1. 4 hours ago, Guppycur said:



    Download Here


    ...adds a Bestiary to the game.  On startup, you will have an additional book.  As you kill beasts, entries will be added to the book.  See the above youtube link for an example.  Works faster than the video, and we fixed a few things. 😃


    Much much MUCH thanks to Mumpfy, as he put way more work into this than I did.


    Sirillion for the idea, Telric for some xml, Stallionsden for testing, and anyone else who helped along the way.





    I love the book and pictures, and the idea of kind a survivalist notes you can take on the World. I would have made some improvements like:

    – The 1st time you add a beast after “seeing” (aiming or whatever) it, it would be added, this should give you some tricks or notes on how to fight that beast (weakness, health, movement,…)
    – The 2nd time you have an encounter and only if you kill the beast, will add “something” (don’t know if a quote or what you want) and give you some bonus/es against that kind of beast for the rest of the game.
    – The 3rd time and in case there is a special beast, could add any other note/quote and give you a kind of trophy (item to put as decoration) and a fancy picture on book.

    This can be improved or refined a lot, but is something I had in mind for some time.

  2. Hi there.

    I'm using "Scomar82_ColoredContainerStates" to put some text with colour, for example:

    Key,File,Type,UsedInMainMenu,NoTranslate,english,Context / Alternate Text,spanish
    itemTooltipFocusedOne,UI,Use Prompt,,,[EEEE22]{0}[-] to collect {1},,[EEEE22]{0}[-] para recoger {1}

    I added a line to show colours in your mini-game text but nothing happens... Can you give me a clue? Maybe the "Type" is wrong?( I have in the same file different lines that use: "Use Prompt", "HUD", "Menu" and "Tooltip"...

    Key,File,Type,UsedInMainMenu,NoTranslate,english,Context / Alternate Text,spanish
    advancedlockpicking_desc,UI,HUD,,,Use the [8D26B6]arrow keys[-] or [8D26B6]A[-] and [8D26B6]D[-] to change the position of the pick locks. Then [8D26B6]space[-] to try to unlock.,Utilice las [8D26B6]flechas[-] o [8D26B6]A[-] y [8D26B6]D[-] para reposicionar las ganzúas. Luego [8D26B6]espacio[-] para intentar desbloquear.


  3. # Trader Patches
    IDC Core features Harmony patches that enable each trader to use a separate currency. To make use of this feature, a trader must be given a specific currency different than the global currency to use. There are multiple ways to specify the currency for a trader.

    The first method is to modify `traders.xml` manually and add the `currency_item` attribute to the traders corresponding `trader_info` entry.

    `<trader_info id="6" reset_interval="3" open_time="6:05" close_time="21:50" currency_item="<item name>">`

    The second and ideal way is to use xpath to add the attribute to the trader's `trader_info` entry.

    `<setattribute xpath="traders/trader_info[@id='<trader id>']" name="currency_item"><item name></setattribute>`


    I took that from "IDC Core"  Docs -> Harmony -> Traders folder. So I think you will need IDC Core folder and your folder with the code you need for your suits.

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