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Everything posted by Maty4711

  1. Maty4711

    Maty´s Modlets

    Hello all of you creatures out there and a good hunt in 2024! I can't really call myself a modder, but I like 7dtd in a strange way, so I'm going to try a few customizations. Because of some interesting armored vehicles in the game I decided to write a little modlet which will keep you warm and safe in your BRDM or S.W.A.T Zombiebomer. Unfortunately I can't get the dependencies of the buffs to work out so that the protection is active regardless of the vehicle. -> But that's the first thing I'm trying to change. This means that in the next version, if I can figure it out, zombies will no longer be able to kick you off your bike. Protective Vehicles A21 at 7 Days to Die Nexus - Mods and community (nexusmods.com) Protective Vehicles A21 – 7 Days to Die Mods This is a first attempt, so your criticism is definitely welcome. BR
  2. Hello ladies and gentlemen and others, first of all, have a successful and relaxed 2024. I'm a bit stuck here with my little modlet and can't get any further with scripting. I would like to achieve that a certain trigger only occurs when I enter a vehicle of a certain class OR a vehicle that has a unique TAG. For example, it should trigger for the Jeep class, but not for bicycles, minibikes, motorcycles, etc. It would be even better if it is triggered by a specific TAG when the vehicle is entered. My trigger currently triggers correctly and also ends correctly when I leave a vehicle, but it does not take into account the class requirement or the corresponding tags. Protective Vehicles A21 at 7 Days to Die Nexus - Mods and community (nexusmods.com) Line extract: <append xpath="/buffs/buff[@name='buffStatusCheck01']"> <effect_group> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffUpdate" action="AddBuff" buff="buffProtectiveVehicles"> <requirement name="IsAttachedToEntity" class="EntityVJeep"/> </triggered_effect> It would be amazing if you could help me out here. Happy mindless butchery to you all.
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