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  1. Yes I believe that is the problem, I may remove an older gun mod I had and just use the new shotgun pack. I think I know which one is the problem. It's the tactical weapons mod by viper.https://7daystodiemods.com/tactical-weapons-a21/ It's gotta be. That's the only other one.
  2. I also tried installing the mod after starting a new save without it and loading it that way. It did not work either. Same error. It tells me that maybe another mod's sounds XML is conflicting with this one. I don't believe I'm running any others in particular that modify the sounds of the guns firing. Idk. It's probably a mod conflict, but for some reason the game works just fine only when I remove the shotgun pack.
  3. I'm getting an error when the game is attempting to load the Shotgun Pack mod when starting a new save. It says "ERR XML loader: Loading and parsing 'sounds.xml' failed". I checked the code on that file and it all checked out. I tried reinstalling the mod. I tried reinstalling the game. And then reinstalling the mods 1 at a time. I tried installing the mod without the quick fix. None of it worked.
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