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Everything posted by woreeur

  1. Hey thanks man, I bought a dedicated server for me and 3 friends. Been enjoying the hell out of alpha 21. Again, reading comprehension skills, work on them. Have a good life.
  2. Who cares? I paid 3 bucks, amount spent is irrelevant, just that money is spent. I'm noticing a fair portion of you have difficulty with reading comprehension, and stringing words together so I'm gonna bounce out of here, have fun guys.
  3. Information that specifically explained why it's alpha? Yeah that's not real BuT cArRy oN lol
  4. Yeah, that's how posts work. Someone asks a question, and then LaTeR iN tHe PoSt, sOmEbOdY rEpLiEs.
  5. I didn't know it's not, that's why I posted on the devs forum. Also never said the game is bad, just asking why it's still in alpha. Thanks to the one guy who broke through you sweatballs with real info, I know that now.
  6. Out of 30 garbage replies, thanks for the real info, appreciate it.
  7. Lol it's not a tiny word. Games steal money from people all the time with "early access" and this game isn't that complicated. It's sketchy that it's still in alpha after this long with very little progress. Looks like @%$# still. After 10 years, it's not "early"
  8. Logged into this game after not playing it for about 10 years and it's still in alpha? Has it been abandoned/is it just one person's garage project or what
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