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Everything posted by videosambo

  1. Darkness Falls was version B25 that I miss spelled and now B26. No change in FPS, still under 20.
  2. I have a 7 Days to Die server running on Pterodactyl with the Darkness Falls mod. The server is on version A21.1, and the Darkness Falls version is DF-V5-DEV-B26. Underlying hardware: CPU: E5-2680 v2 RAM: 16GB 1600MHz Storage: SAS (big array on RAID5, not the fastest, but the server worked fine for some time) serverconfig.xml: https://pastebin.com/YHCm9aKZ Latest Console log: https://pastebin.com/gWPEF385 The panel shows that there should be CPU to use (up to 3000%) but only uses less than 100%. 100% = 1 core used, so there are 30 cores' worth of CPU even though 7 Days to Die doesn't use them. We had this kind of issue before, but we managed to solve it by disabling dynamic mesh. Now the problem is back and runs as low as 13 FPS. We have tried everything that we can Google, and still, this issue persists. We are now in progress to test if updating the mod helps. The save has been on the same version as the server; no updates there.
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