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Posts posted by Arez

  1. 6 hours ago, faatal said:

    That appears to be terrain, if so, then that is a core issue with how terrain works, so it may not be something that changes.

    I don't know if this is the same type of situation, but the sidewalk blocks surrounding the Poopy Pants Daycare go flush with the surrounding terrain, which is impossible to do if a player were to place blocks in the terrain themself. And if you are to break one of the Poopy Pants sidewalk blocks and replace it with your own, the terrain no longer goes flush. 


    Supposedly there's a mod that allows the player to make the terrain go flush with blocks. If I find it I'll edit the post with a link.

  2. I've been playing A21.2 (b30) and I love that lockable slots are in by default, but it's hard to go back from the lockable slots that Wookie has in his Winchester Mod. 


    I like to have a row at the bottom of my inventory for certain things (stuff that I want to sell) and rows at the top for other things (ammo, healing, food, etc) that I only want to move manually. 


    The ability to lock slots in a nonlinear fashion is pretty helpful in speeding up inventory/storage management. 


    It would be great to have nonlinear/nonsequential slot locking like Wookie has in the Winchester Mod.

  3. On 11/19/2023 at 9:12 AM, Laz Man said:

    In the past we have had TWD DLC



    Hold on. Let me look. 




    I found a video. Wow, you guys had Michonne in there!!! This is giving me hope!


    The dream is (let's take Return of the Living Dead as an example)...have some survivor skins (Frank, Freddy, Trash), any specific weapons, a POI or two (Uneeda Medical Supply and the mortuary) and the Tarman zombie, maybe the "send more paramedics" zombie and call it a day (of the dead....which is another IP that would be amazing to have in the game).  


    If that would happen I would probably uninstall every other game on my PC. They would never get played. 

  4. 54 minutes ago, PoppaSmirk said:

    maintaining servers to keep the game running becomes less attractive and simply "pulls from the bottom line of profits earned".

    That wouldn't apply to 7 Days because people play solo, host games with a few friends or they rent their own servers. 

    There could be database servers that TFP use but I can't imagine that would be too costly, seeing as it only hosts player data and not games.


    The player numbers for 7 Days have been going up year after year. I started playing on A19 for a little bit and didn't like it. I tried it again with A21 and I have a near pathological obsession with the game now. 


    Could this game eventually die to where TFP close shop and move on? Maybe. But it's been doing pretty well for 10 years and that's rare.

  5. 5 minutes ago, NekoPawtato said:

    been around for a while it seems.

    Ok cool.

    Also, I tried looking through the patch notes but I couldn't find anything (or I couldn't understand it) but have the graphics been improved with A21.2? Something seems different. 

  6. 10 hours ago, zztong said:

    Yes, that's certainly possible today, though more likely depending on how/when something like a Steam Workshop integration is available.

    This might not apply to what you're talking about, but I really want the Tarman from Return of the Living Dead. I got a family member that's a digital artist. She can make the model, but wouldn't know how to do the rigging, and neither would I.


    So I went on Fiverr and found some dude that charges $60 that could do the modeling and the rigging and his work looks great. I'm very tempted to hit him up. 

  7. 20 hours ago, SnowDog1942 said:

    Just need to add some adult nudie magazines to increase my glue production.

    Oh my god.

    What a great profile pic!

    17 hours ago, NekoPawtato said:

    If I understand correctly, are you saying small loot containers are not disappearing as expected if the container itself is damaged before emptying out the container? They were disappearing for me on A21.2 b30

    You know what's disappearing for me? Street decals. On the road that has Bob's Boars on Navezgane, there's that big dip. In that dip I noticed that the newspaper pages disappear when I get close to them. It could be happening elsewhere too; it just hasn't grabbed my attention.


    BTW, I just gave birth to page 398!

  8. 5 hours ago, meganoth said:

    Since I changed a setting on my monitor 2 days ago it could have been for that reason though, or both.

    I don't think it's placebo...it might be, but I just got finished playing on A21.2 for some hours and at the end I switched over to A21.1 to show someone a house I built, and I noticed that it did not look as nice. I don't know how to explain it. There's a subtle classiness to the visuals of A21.2. I could be fooling myself, but I don't think so. Also, reflections in windows and such look better too. Really good.


    But...there's something wrong with the shadows. I've only noticed it when talking to Joel though. The shadows on him look as if I turned the setting all the way down. They're kinda blocky and shifty. 

    5 hours ago, Rotor said:

    If they start using the GPU more often, is definitely a game changer.

    You can do that right now if you swap your boot.config file out for the one that has the lines of code to push things to the GPU. There's the "Yakov Performance Mod" you can find on Nexus mods. It's not a traditional 7 Days mod. It's a Unity thing, that is officially being used in other big games like Tarkov. 


    On A21.1, I ran some benchmarks with MSI Afterburner and Riva Tuner and it most certainly improves framerates and works the GPU harder. 

    I did the test in the desert city on Navezgane.

    Without mod - Min FPS = 71 | Avg FPS = 135 | Max FPS = 221 | 1% lows = 47 FPS

    With mod - Min FPS = 104 | Avg FPS = 161 | Max FPS = 248 | 1% lows = 54 FPS


    I haven't gotten to that city yet on my A21.2 run. I might just start up a test save to run a new benchmark and see if the 1% and 0.1% lows improve.

  9. I tried to read through the patch notes but it's in developer speak, and I don't understand most of it.


    Is it me or do the graphics look better? And the lighting...it's changed, no?

    I loaded up the Exp build, started a fresh Navez-game, went to the Mushroom Mining Co. and the lighting was nice! I can swear it doesn't look like that in the stable build. 

    It reminded me of Day of the Dead, when they had to run through the cave and the lighting got all colorful. It was very vibrant. 


    I also noticed the boot.config file has the lines for pushing things to the GPU. My frames were through the roof. I was flirting with 300fps, and I don't lower my graphics settings. Though there were stutters. Maybe it was loading textures, shaders, I don't know. I didn't play for too long.


    Would I be able to open a save that was started on the latest stable A21.1 build without issue? I have a game where I'm in a city and I want to compare the performance.



  10. 1 hour ago, Old Crow said:

    So, third Experimental came out today, since the last Stable. Does this mean we'll be getting another A21 Stable soon?

    Are there patch notes for the experimental builds? What's the difference between them and the current stable version?

  11. 21 minutes ago, Gamida said:

    Would be nice if that was possible. Would fix those floating blocks on roofs. No more floating sleeping bags, campfires, chests, etc.

    It seems to be possible. The sink can go inside the cabinet and window frames interlock at their edges. 


    I was also watching someone stream the game (vanilla) and they placed a campfire on top of a sheet, where the sheet's transparent boundaries were facing up. 


    Maybe it would just be a lot of work to recode all the blocks for it to be possible. 

  12. 1 hour ago, Crater Creator said:

    I hope so, because it’s annoying to have those markers take up the voxel above the road.

    Maybe I'm misunderstanding this, but there are shapes that interlock/allow for another shape to be placed within its transparent boundaries.

  13. 2 hours ago, FranticDan said:

    The normal response I got for that is "Just increase how long night time lasts"

    I tried doing that too, thinking it would make the night come sooner. Nope. It just allowed the zombies to run for a few more hours. 


    Speaking of A16...I started with A21, but a month or so ago I downloaded A16 and played it for a little bit, and the darkness at night in that version is kind of exactly what I think it should be now. Though it did stay bright for too long in that version too. 

  14. I think it's way too bright at night. I understand in real life that a full moon could add a decent amount of light, but I feel like in this game that should be rare. 


    Also, it should get darker sooner. It's weird to me that at 10pm it's still fairly bright out. I have experienced that in Detroit, being that it's fairly westerly but is part of the eastern time zone, and also when I was in Norway where it actually never got dark.  


    Navezgane feels like it's set in Norway with how bright it stays at night. 


    Also, it's strange that if it's raining during the day, it's somehow much darker than when there're clear skies at 2am. 


    I know zombies run at night (by default) which ups the threat level, but I think it would be great if the threat level was upped even more by making it much darker at night. And that full darkness should start by at least 8pm (20:00 hours). 


    If anything, at least add an option to have the current nighttime brightness and a new dark nighttime.

  15. I don't necessarily mind the super dense fog in the snow biome, and I absolutely LOVE the fog on the ground in the forest biome; I wouldn't mind if that appears more often. 


    But when it comes to the gyrocopter, the snow biome and wasteland fog is crazy. You cannot see anything when you're flying. If that could be cut down some, that would be great. 

  16. I was doing a tier 6 at Two Bit Tower yesterday. I activated a whole bunch of zombies and vultures and fell off the building trying to avoid death. 


    Most of them followed me off the side of the building, but others went a different route.


    It took me at least 10 IRL minutes to find the remaining zombies and birds. No matter what floor I was on, it sounded like there were birds flapping right next to me. The same goes for the zombies. Their audio was crystal clear as if there were no walls, floors or ceilings between us. 


    It would be so much more helpful if occlusion filters can be applied to entity audio.  


    Thank you.

  17. 6 hours ago, Fox said:

    Also, if you think those numbers actually matter, then maybe consider comparing this game to a similar game called Minecraft and see where that gets you.

    Ok, let's compare anything to the most successful game of all time. C'mon brother. You're say I have a "nice argument"?


    6 hours ago, Fox said:

    Also, 11 years in Alpha state is becoming ridiculous.

    Alright, you wanna put some stuff into perspective? Red Dead Redemption 2, which was made by one of the biggest most successful game companies, with the most resources, took 8 years to make. Anthem, which was a colossal failure, made by a legendary dev team, backed by one of the biggest publishers, took 6 years to make. I think the small group at the Fun Pimps are doing pretty damn good, especially with the scope of this game.   


    But that's not gonna mean much to you anyway. You won't be able to get over the fact that the jars are gone, you can't learn by doing anymore, etc, or that you're still seeing the "alpha" tag next to the name. 

  18. 1 hour ago, Fox said:

    Given the current feedback on the latest update on Steam

    The latest reviews are considered "Very Positive" on Steam. Most of the negative reviews don't give any details on why they don't like it, or are fixated on it being in alpha, or are having technical issues. 


    The game has more players on average each year.


    It's number 26 right now on Steam. 26 out of 50,000+ games. 

  19. 10 hours ago, Matt115 said:

    End up defated by competition who copied they idea buy more powerful companies - Warzone one after all.

    PUBG is doing just fine. It has not been defeated at all. It is the 5th highest selling game in the history of video games. It has over 100k players on Steam right now. It's number 4 on the list. Call of Duty (Warzone + the multiplayer) isn't even in the top 10, with less than 50k players. Yes, COD is also bigger on console and has their own PC launcher as well, but PUBG does pretty well on console too. 


    10 hours ago, Matt115 said:

    So if Capcome failed then... it will be harder for indie studio to do it much better.

    I seriously doubt Capcom really cared much at all about Resistance. It was simply an add-on to pad the content of the RE3 remake. 

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