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Everything posted by eganonstwr

  1. Please dont take my posts as offensive, its just the way im comfortable to speak, i respect all of you and dont want to offend anyone, i know developers are smart by reading this(if they even read) they may take some things under consideration if they find appropriate and sorry for bad english
  2. I dont know why you cant do so, dont wanna know BUT i see people cleaning the poi before taking the quest, so they double loot double xp from zombies, please do something about this, its kinda non-professional, you know what you can do ? you can make all pois indestructible, so players cant @%$# them up, its better than double looting same place. Or you can just remove the quest if Poi is cleared already. Yes its a great idea, if poi is cleared then you can just iinstantly have done the quest and receive the the reward. For multiplayer game think something else, for multiplayer develop other systems, everything is acceptable except 100 times rebuilding poi for each player. Afterall this is survival and resources must be limited, you had an excellent skill system back in the day when we could lvl up just from crafting things, you can polish that system the way that players wont just craft stone axe 1000 times to lvl up their skills but. And its good to be short in resources in multiplayer, so people can more naturally trade, trading will be the main part in multiplayer and so on. or think something better than what ive said but keep in mind scarcity of resources and not poi problem. So basically im also asking to make 2 separate gameplays for single and multiplayer, and you can also raise the price of the game
  3. Please remove that quests at game start, its such a pain in the ass, just make a note with tips and give us the skill points after reading the note, dont be lazy. That start missions are nonsense, everybody knows how to play its for braindead. I know there are tweaks i can do to avoid that but i dont want to mod the game, i want it to be natural, please take this @%$# under consideration.
  4. OMG Dude!!!, knife is op not because i can use it anytime in any conditions, Knife is op because of its STATS BRO i see theres no signs of intelligence in this community, even admins and moders think like 5yo little autist bros and cant control their emotions here im so sorry for you guys, you need 1000s lives to become sentient, this may or may not irritate me depends on my mood, but you guys are too funny even for a joke. I hope i never meet people like you irl i cant control my laugher, you look like minecraft bot characters not freaking sign of intelligence at all Im so sorry for you dude really, i hope people in real life go easy on you and protect you from society
  5. keep your toxic praise to yourself, knife is oop not just for me but for everyone, you dont wanna understand it dont blur the vision of developers let them correct comments about this As the game so its community, no wonders
  6. Im done with this community ahahahahah what a funny guys i guess ill have to find a way to talk to devs directly
  7. You told me depends what difficulty i play on, i told you that i max out diff settings because enormous strenght of the knife. Knife is OOP in the hands of anybody. So no matter difficulty MY DUDELLO, if not hordes, they can fast lvl up in early game just harrassing the poor zombies (not surviving them) with an imbalanced powerful Knife. If you understand the simple game mechanics even a noob can handle hordes of zombies with just a knife The only noob here is not the person who dont have skills, the noob person here is who is not aware of simple hit and run game mechanics hahaha
  8. I PLAY INSANE NIGHMARE FERAL SENSE, and the game still kindergarden sorry KindergarTen soryyy
  9. you are wrong because i easily use it in late game, tbh its the only weapon i use and rarely rifles knife is not just op its oop dude haha
  10. look you run close, attack the zombie, run away wait till zombie stun animation ends and attack again, i can @%$# up any feral zombie at insane nightmare difficulty with a bone knife with 2 knife perks in early game, its too easy this doesnt look like a survival, i hope developers read this
  11. Just try to power attack with knives, they consume significantly less stamina and dmg almost identical to that of machete
  12. Game is sandbox, better leave it sandbox, nerf looting algorithm, return planting seeds on the ground, return multiplying seeds when harvesting crops so no need to find other seeds, just make the seeds more rare, too much accent on looting. Too much loot, i see greedy twitch streamers loading lots of stuff they dont need in containers wtf, is htis a @%$#ing survival or wt ???? i dont want to play at 25% loot, i want better algorithms, i dont want to use some 3rd party crappy mods, i want vanilla game to be better. You want players to explore, exploration is good, but it is possible to settle in one place 1-2km radius and live to the endgame with tremendous amount of loot. RETHINK THIS GUYS. And Power attacks with knifes are overpowered combined with using lesser stamina than other tools. Think About it DEVS
  13. I do the same, but i want an option for single player to complete reset the map so it saves me additional clicks
  14. Delete all the stuff that player gathered everywhere! deat count must be zero always, Just complete fresh start from the same save.
  15. guys when i die and fresh start please dont make me do that starting quests (pant gathering etc), just give 4 points instantly
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