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Everything posted by vox23

  1. I have some additional information. The server is starting and telnet still works, but I'm getting this error when I start the server with screen: https://pastebin.com/9YWBt8rt At the end it says "segmentation fault" and it might be some sort of Unity error?
  2. I'm running an virtual machine on AWS that does not have access to audio devices. It doesn't come with ALSA or pulseaudio installed, and even if I did install them, there would still be no audio device (I tried). I verified there were no audio or bluetooth devices installed. Does a 7 Days dedicated server instance require an audio driver? And if so, why? edit: both telnet and the web console are working.
  3. I have a 7 Days dedicated server running on Ubuntu 22.04 in AWS. I am able to connect to the server via the game's telnet port, but I cannot connect via the game client. I am getting an error that says, "Could not retrieve server ID". On my Ubuntu VM, ufw is disabled. iptables are full ALLOW. These are the ports I have open via the AWS security group: 8080 - 8082 26900 - 26903 27014 - 27050 (just in case it was a steam issue) Here is the log file from when the server started: https://pastebin.com/70HTcUTV Here is my serverconfig.xml: https://pastebin.com/g3UG0JkK Any idea why I can connect via telnet but not the game client?
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