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  1. This is a game-breaking bug. It was already noted in the system as a "must fix" bug when this post was created more than 6 weeks ago. We've seen a new version go stable since this post was made, and still the bug remains. To paraphrase Inigo Montoya, you keep using those words "must fix". I do not think they mean what you think they do. I've been playing on the test server, and gotten stuck multiple times in my own base. When I have my playing partner online, it's just annoying and embarrassing. When it's just me (and I'm often the only player on the test server) I can't fix it. Relogging won't fix it, no actions on my character's part will fix it, so I'm literally stuck in place until my playing partner deals with the door. This morning, after being stuck all night, my playing partner logged in to close the door. I logged back in, opened the door, and got stuck again. I logged out and probably won't bother to log in again. I've had it. I know this game is still in Alpha and significant bugs/crashes/catastrophes should be expected to occur. What separates the wheat from the chaff is what happens next: If bugs like this aren't a priority before Beta, I'm wondering if similar issues will be treated just as poorly once the game is released. I've got 2k hours in this game roughly, but I'd be foolish to play more until this specific issue is addressed. There's too many competitors with new content out (Voidtrain, Conan, Smallland are the first to pop to mind) that want my participation to invest any more time in this game, no matter how much I like every other aspect of it.
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