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Everything posted by Bigrowdy777

  1. Yeah its been a while since I have been on the official forum. I probably should have posted it there....
  2. I asked for a slider on the the number of quest available so what are you on about? Nobody said REMOVE traders or whatever nonsense you are on about. Explain to me why sliders in the number of quest would somehow hurt the people who currently like it as it is. Really Explain.
  3. Would it be possible to make trader quest somewhat limited if desired. Perhaps make it a sliding scale, So players who like it the way it is can choose the 5 per day and players who dont want to focus on quest and dont like the idea of becoming too powerful too soon can adjust as they like. AND make it a perpetual state so no longing in and out to get the best quest and gaming the game. Perhaps from 1 per 7 days to 5 per day.
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