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  1. That was it ... I was able to move through the map using the debug menu while exiting out of the error alert and got to my chemistry table and stopped gas production and the error went away. Much thanks ... very weird, but explains why the error started when I drove into the same sector (or whatever the technical term is) and the error started making the game unplayable. Much thanks to the Mods and everyone for your help!
  2. I should have clarified, this is an A21 world and I upgraded to the new A21 Alpha build 21.1. I reset the time when I pulled the main.ttw files over from a new world. When that didn't fix it, I tried reverting to the old ttw files. I also played around with deleting two of the player files in that folder. That reset me to a new player/character, but didn't fix the issue once I got close to my base / the 4x4. Was hoping there might be an obvious fix in the log, but could be something with things I left crafting at my base. I had also just purchased a bunch of stuff from a trader that was generators/electrical equipment and I've read a few posts mentioning there can be issues with those items as well (although they were just stored in the 4x4 / player inventory.
  3. Thanks for the reply, here's the full log below. Not sure how I would go about uploading world and game save data. Maybe I need to be a more established member to upload files? Appreciate any insights you can share. Another possibility is that maybe it's not the 4x4 but an issue as I was approaching my base that was using workstation recipes for gas ... the error started as I was nearing my base, so perhaps that's related? Mono path[0] = 'F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/7 Days To Die/7DaysToDie_Dat - Pastebin.com
  4. Hi all, Love the game and have been playing for a few years now. Did something stupid and upgraded to the latest Alpha... carried my save/world over and everything seemed fine until I started getting the dreaded NullReferenceException error that made my game unplayable. I pulled the repeating code from the log and it's below. Any way to salvage my map and save? I've tried pulling over new main.ttw.bak and main.ttw files and that didn't work. I narrowed it down to the Player folder and deleted two of the files. That spawned me as a new character, however when I approached my previous characters jeep, the same error popped up. So it appears to be related to an item in the 4x4 or the vehicle itself. I've tried to read up on other variants of this error, but can't find a solution and don't know if there's an easy fix or my game just needs to be scrapped. I also did the whole clean the game files from the options menu and then pulled back over my save game. So the error isn't with the system files, it's clearly within my profile or items. I can also create a new map and player, but can't seem to use this map or get close to my 4x4 ... Any and all help is appreciated! NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at TileEntityWorkstation.HandleRecipeQueue (System.Single _timePassed) [0x00071] in <0266d593c0f442fa83ca9e728741ee90>:0 at TileEntityWorkstation.UpdateTick (World world) [0x000d3] in <0266d593c0f442fa83ca9e728741ee90>:0 at Chunk.UpdateTick (World _world, System.Boolean _bSpawnEnemies) [0x00015] in <0266d593c0f442fa83ca9e728741ee90>:0 at World.OnUpdateTick (System.Single _partialTicks, System.ArraySegment`1[T] _activeChunks) [0x0011b] in <0266d593c0f442fa83ca9e728741ee90>:0 at GameManager.UpdateTick () [0x00073] in <0266d593c0f442fa83ca9e728741ee90>:0 at GameManager.gmUpdate () [0x00331] in <0266d593c0f442fa83ca9e728741ee90>:0 at GameManager.Update () [0x00000] in <0266d593c0f442fa83ca9e728741ee90>:0
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