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Posts posted by Tarf

  1. This pack is fantastic. Love how these new rifles play.

    Just in time too. Co-op partner and I are probably almost done with 7DTD so we'll need the fire power for T6 missions in the Wasteland.


    19 hours ago, Jayman said:

    will updates break my save? 

    It shouldn't. I added this mod to my test world and it is working fine.


  2. 20 hours ago, ahugehit said:

    is this mod broken for anyone else? 


    for some reason the .556 weapons mod and this mod are conflicting for me. as soon as i add the .556 mod the shotgun mod breaks

    No, it is working for me.


    I just tried both in a fresh world as well.


    Can see and craft weapons from both mods.




    Note, you don't move the top-level folder in the rar into your mod folder. You put the subfolders in. 

  3. 1 hour ago, Trail_Jitsu said:

    I didn’t see the visible _mods file…probably the issues thanks. I also used google drive as well


    Ah, did you look in the folder? The top-level folder of the rar file is NOT what you put in your mod folder.


  4. 13 hours ago, Trail_Jitsu said:

    I deleted all other mods and only placed the 5.56 mod in the folder and it still doesn’t work for me…

    Weird. I got it working in a clean world.

    Here are my steps:

    1. Downloaded from the mega download link in the OP. https://mega.nz/file/NIo22QbY#Ee69AwSd8RQRJ-x6P351j3FDGWrQnAjD8LO16sQbYJQ
    2. I put the two subfolders into my Mods folder.
    3. I started a clean world with creative on.
    4. I was able to see and start crafting a T1 rifle from the pack.
  5. I tried out this mod in creative with the stun baton books and it was pretty fun. But haven't made much progress after 2 blood moons in my normal game.


    I've only found one of the books with all the int melee skills maxed.


    Looks like only the only book that the trader is selling are the hammer books.


    Could the other books be added to the trader and maybe add all the books to the quest rewards?

  6. 1 hour ago, Trail_Jitsu said:

    I downloaded both the shotgun pack and the 5.56 packs. However the shotgun pack is working fine the 5.56 weapons don’t appear in game at all. Not in crafting, traders or loot. What am I doing wrong. Really wana try the 5.56 weapon out. 

    What other mods do you have installed?

    I assume there is a conflict.

  7. Shot in the dark... but maybe conflicting with a crafting mod as well.


    I remember someone using a Sam's Stuff mod had a problem because they were also using a Craft Quality 6 item mod. I think they fixed their issue by adding a "01" to the start of Sam's mod folder.

  8. 14 hours ago, ShowerHour said:

    did you end up changing the damage values for yourself? if so, could you possibly post it or send me what you did? i'm also using your bundle edits.

    Yes, I did. It is a change in the items.xml

    Basically, changed:

    <passive_effect name="EntityDamage" operation="base_add" value="-7" tags="perkMachineGunner"/>

    To have different values for different tiers of TC and BC rifles.


    Here are the values in a table.

    Weapon Type Weapon Tier value
    Tactical Carbine 1 -7
    Tactical Carbine 2 -4.36
    Tactical Carbine 3 -1.51
    Tactical Carbine 4 1.57
    Battle Carbine 1 -7
    Battle Carbine 2 -3.7
    Battle Carbine 3 -0.07
    Battle Carbine 4 3.92

    In other words, the edit for Battle Carbine T4, is editing the entity damage (operation="base_add") to:

    <passive_effect name="EntityDamage" operation="base_add" value="3.92" tags="perkMachineGunner"/>

    If you are using the ammo bundle xml edit already, then this should be both edits in the same file.


  9. Tried it out in Creative and it is pretty nice.


    Can this be bought from traders though? I thought it had to be in a "trader_item_group".


    Thoughts on making the Magbow a rare quest reward?

  10. It works in my game, but I wasn't maxed on the shotgun crafting books so I don't know if that complicates things.


    Pretty sure that when I installed the mod, I was able to craft T1 shotguns... but it has been a while.


    Definitely not schematic-based.


    Might be a conflict with another mod.

  11. Here is an xml edit that I did for my personal use. I like being able to craft bundled ammo.


    Added to items.xml

    <item name="ammoBundleShotgunShellFlechette">
      <property name="Extends" value="ammoBundleMaster"/>
      <property name="CustomIcon" value="ammo12gFlechette"/>
      <property name="EconomicValue" value="1700"/>
      <property name="UnlockedBy" value="perkShotgunMessiahComplete"/>
      <!-- BOOK_PERK -->
      <property name="TraderStageTemplate" value="ammoTier2"/>
      <property class="Action0">
        <property name="Create_item" value="ammoShotgunShellFlechette"/>
    <item name="ammoBundleShotgunShellTokenShot">
      <property name="Extends" value="ammoBundleMaster"/>
      <property name="CustomIcon" value="ammoShotgunShellTokenShot"/>
      <property name="EconomicValue" value="1100"/>
      <property name="UnlockedBy" value="perkShotgunMessiahComplete"/>
      <!-- BOOK_PERK -->
      <property name="TraderStageTemplate" value="ammoTier1"/>
      <property class="Action0">
        <property name="Create_item" value="ammoShotgunShellTokenShot"/>
    <item name="ammoBundleShotgunSuperpenetratorslug">
      <property name="Extends" value="ammoBundleMaster"/>
      <property name="CustomIcon" value="ammoShotgunSuperpenetratorslug"/>
      <property name="EconomicValue" value="2800"/>
      <property name="UnlockedBy" value="perkShotgunMessiahComplete"/>
      <!-- BOOK_PERK -->
      <property name="TraderStageTemplate" value="ammoTier3"/>
      <property class="Action0">
        <property name="Create_item" value="ammoShotgunSuperpenetratorslug"/>



    Added to recipes.xml

    <recipe name="ammoBundleShotgunShellFlechette" count="1" craft_time="360" craft_area="workbench" tags="learnable,workbenchCrafting">
      <ingredient name="ammoDartIron" count="320"/>
      <ingredient name="resourceGunPowder" count="400"/>
      <ingredient name="resourceScrapPolymers" count="80"/>
    <recipe name="ammoBundleShotgunShellTokenShot" count="1" craft_time="240" craft_area="workbench" tags="learnable,workbenchCrafting">
      <ingredient name="casinoCoin" count="560"/>
      <ingredient name="resourceGunPowder" count="320"/>
      <ingredient name="resourcePaper" count="80"/>
    <recipe name="ammoBundleShotgunSuperpenetratorslug" count="1" craft_time="360" craft_area="workbench" tags="learnable,workbenchCrafting">
      <ingredient name="resourceForgedSteel" count="80"/>
      <ingredient name="resourceGunPowder" count="480"/>
      <ingredient name="resourceScrapPolymers" count="80"/>



    Added to progression.xml

    <append xpath="//book[@name='perkShotgunMessiahComplete']/effect_group">
      <passive_effect name="RecipeTagUnlocked" operation="base_set" level="1" value="1" tags="ammoBundleShotgunShellFlechette,ammoBundleShotgunShellTokenShot,ammoBundleShotgunSuperpenetratorslug"/>


    End result is boxes of the custom ammo in @Izayo pack that is tied to reading all the shotgun perk books.






    Not a clue how to do a modlet so here are all the files that I modified in the mod's config.




  12. 21 hours ago, Boomtasm said:

    Digging the mod so far, however, we've run into a small problem! We aren't able to craft any of the ammo although it inidicates that we can when viewed in the workbench. Sorry if this is in the wrong spot, new to modding! Thanks in advance!


    Weird. Are you using other mods?


    I had no issues crafting ammo.



    edit: didn't want to double post

    Here are some xml edits that I did for my personal use. This is for bulk ammo crafting.


    Added to:


    <item name="IZYammoBundle556mmBulletBall">
      <property name="Extends" value="ammoBundleMaster"/>
      <property name="CustomIcon" value="IZYammo556mmBulletBall"/>
      <property name="EconomicValue" value="900"/>
      <property name="UnlockedBy" value="perkAutoWeaponsComplete"/>
      <!-- BOOK_PERK -->
      <property name="TraderStageTemplate" value="ammoTier1"/>
      <property class="Action0">
        <property name="Create_item" value="IZYammo556mmBulletBall"/>
    <item name="IZYammoBundle556mmArmorpiercing">
      <property name="Extends" value="ammoBundleMaster"/>
      <property name="CustomIcon" value="IZYammo556mmArmorpiercing"/>
      <property name="EconomicValue" value="1300"/>
      <property name="UnlockedBy" value="perkAutoWeaponsComplete"/>
      <!-- BOOK_PERK -->
      <property name="TraderStageTemplate" value="ammoTier3"/>
      <property class="Action0">
        <property name="Create_item" value="IZYammo556mmArmorpiercing"/>
    <item name="IZYammoBundle556mmHighPower">
      <property name="Extends" value="ammoBundleMaster"/>
      <property name="CustomIcon" value="IZYammo556mmHighPower"/>
      <property name="EconomicValue" value="1300"/>
      <property name="UnlockedBy" value="perkAutoWeaponsComplete"/>
      <!-- BOOK_PERK -->
      <property name="TraderStageTemplate" value="ammoTier2"/>
      <property class="Action0">
        <property name="Create_item" value="IZYammo556mmHighPower"/>




    <recipe name="IZYammoBundle556mmBulletBall" count="1" craft_time="240" craft_area="workbench" tags="learnable,workbenchCrafting">
      <ingredient name="resourceBulletTip" count="80"/>
      <ingredient name="resourceScrapIron" count="80"/>
      <ingredient name="resourceGunPowder" count="160"/>
      <ingredient name="resourceBulletCasing" count="80"/>
    <recipe name="IZYammoBundle556mmArmorpiercing" count="1" craft_time="360" craft_area="workbench" tags="learnable,workbenchCrafting">
      <ingredient name="resourceBulletTip" count="80"/>
      <ingredient name="resourceScrapIron" count="320"/>
      <ingredient name="resourceGunPowder" count="240"/>
      <ingredient name="resourceBulletCasing" count="80"/>
    <recipe name="IZYammoBundle556mmHighPower" count="1" craft_time="360" craft_area="workbench" tags="learnable,workbenchCrafting">
      <ingredient name="resourceBulletTip" count="80"/>
      <ingredient name="resourceScrapIron" count="80"/>
      <ingredient name="resourceGunPowder" count="320"/>
      <ingredient name="resourceBulletCasing" count="80"/>




    <append xpath="//book[@name='perkAutoWeaponsComplete']/effect_group">
      <passive_effect name="RecipeTagUnlocked" operation="base_set" level="1" value="1" tags="IZYammoBundle556mmBulletBall,IZYammoBundle556mmArmorpiercing,IZYammoBundle556mmHighPower"/>


    So now the custom ammo in this pack has ammo bundle boxes with crafting tied to reading all the automatic weapons books.






    No idea how to package these so here are the xml files that I changed


  13. 10 hours ago, Izayo said:

    yes only change with run/walk speed rate of fire for TAC carbine  

    and mag capacity / lower recoil for BAT carbine 

    but still get some small damage bonus from gun mods


    The improvements in other areas are pretty nice and noticeable.


    I think a small damage increase between going up the tiers would be nice though especially since the base game assault rifles had their damage number linearized.


    Entity damage goes up by 32% going from a quality 6 AK to a quality 6 Tactical AR. Same percentage increase going from a Tactical AR to a M60.

    Since your rifles already have improvements in other areas, a 8-10% damage increase between tiers would keep progression in-line with the base game weapon progression imo.


    As an example with concrete numbers, here are the in-game stats for a few weapons (Q6 with full mods and a good base damage roll):




    Tactical AR












    SKAR-L (T4 Battle Carbine)



    G36C (T4 Tactical Carbine)



    Currently, the T4 Carbines (which are much harder to get than the other weapons) do less entity damage than a T1 AK.


    The T4 Tactical Carbine has uniqueness in terms of mobility, but the T4 Battle Carbine is noticeably worse than that T2 Tactical AR and T3 M60 at killing tougher zombies at range.

    Imo, the advantages of the T4 Battle Carbine doesn't outweigh the 31% damage increase on the T2 Tactical AR and the 84% damage increase on the T3 M60.


    If Battle Carbines had a 10% damage increase per tier, then the T4 Battle Carbine would have 83.5 damage which I think is pretty in-line with the other weapons.


    Similarly, if Tactical Carbines had a 8% damage increase per tier (bit less since the mobility increase is pretty unique), then the T4 Tactical Carbine would have 70.4 damage which doesn't feel OP to me and keeps a sense of progression.


    What are you thoughts?


    edit: lol, I tried to figure out entity damage from the items.xml and am completely lost...

    edit2: oh, base entity damage is on the bullet, that explains a lot

    edit3: okay, figured it out

  14. Nice!

    I tried out the pack and love how the guns feel and sound.

    Also, tested out buying from the trader, trader quest rewards, and general looting. Looks good!

    One thing that I noticed was that all the Tactical Carbines did the same damage regardless of tiers. Is that expected?

    Same thing with the Battle Carbines. The T1/T2/T3/T4 Battle Carbines all had the same max damage roll.


    Also, any plans for bulk crafting 5.56 ammo in the future?

  15. 38 minutes ago, MrSamuelAdams said:

    Is there a modlet added, I'm not sure how that all works with the configs, not the best at that 😕

    do you just add a quest.xml and a loot.xml folder and add those to their respective folders?


    Ultimately, Izayo makes the final decision since it is his mod. Just offering suggestions.

    What I did to try it out locally was create a file:

    with the contents of:

        <!-- append shotgun flechette ammo to quest reward ammo group -->
        <append xpath="//lootgroup[@name='groupQuestAmmo']">
            <item name="ammoShotgunShellFlechette" count="40" loot_prob_template="QuestT2Prob"/>
        <!-- define lootgroups, insert them  -->
        <insertBefore xpath="/lootcontainers/lootgroup[@name='groupScrapCommon']">
            <!-- lootgroups for shotgun flechette ammo -->
            <lootgroup name="groupShotgunShellFlechetteSmall">
                <item name="ammoShotgunShellFlechette" count="1,2" loot_stage_count_mod="0.01" />
            <lootgroup name="groupShotgunShellFlechetteMedium">
                <item name="ammoShotgunShellFlechette" count="2,3" loot_stage_count_mod="0.01" />
            <lootgroup name="groupShotgunShellFlechetteLarge">
                <item name="ammoShotgunShellFlechette" count="3,15" loot_stage_count_mod="0.01" />
            <!-- lootgroups for new shotguns -->
            <!-- T1 -->
            <lootgroup name="groupWeaponsT1_Boomstick_Doublebarrellong" count="all" loot_quality_template="QLTemplateT1">
                <item name="IZYgunT1shotgunDoublebarrellong"/>
            <lootgroup name="groupWeaponsT1_Boomstick_BoltactionShotgun" count="all" loot_quality_template="QLTemplateT1">
                <item name="IZYgunT1shotgunBoltactionShotgun"/>
            <lootgroup name="groupWeaponsT1_Boomstick_Model1887" count="all" loot_quality_template="QLTemplateT1">
                <item name="IZYgunT1shotgunModel1887"/>
            <!-- T2 -->
            <lootgroup name="groupWeaponsT2_Boomstick_M31hunter" count="all" loot_quality_template="QLTemplateT2">
                <item name="IZYgunT2shotgunM31hunter"/>
            <lootgroup name="groupWeaponsT2_Boomstick_M1897" count="all" loot_quality_template="QLTemplateT2">
                <item name="IZYgunT2shotgunM1897"/>
            <lootgroup name="groupWeaponsT2_Boomstick_M870Police" count="all" loot_quality_template="QLTemplateT2">
                <item name="IZYgunT2shotgunM870Police"/>
            <!-- T3 -->
            <lootgroup name="groupWeaponsT3_Boomstick_M4terminator" count="all" loot_quality_template="QLTemplateT3">
                <item name="IZYgunT3shotgunM4terminator"/>
            <lootgroup name="groupWeaponsT3_Boomstick_XM12G" count="all" loot_quality_template="QLTemplateT3">
                <item name="IZYgunT3shotgunXM12G"/>
            <lootgroup name="groupWeaponsT3_Boomstick_M590S" count="all" loot_quality_template="QLTemplateT3">
                <item name="IZYgunT3shotgunM590S"/>
            <!-- T4 -->
            <lootgroup name="groupWeaponsT4_Boomstick_Saika12g" count="all" loot_quality_template="QLTemplateT3">
                <item name="IZYgunT4shotgunSaika12g"/>
            <lootgroup name="groupWeaponsT4_Boomstick_HEXAGun" count="all" loot_quality_template="QLTemplateT3">
                <item name="IZYgunT4shotgunHEXAGun"/>
            <lootgroup name="groupWeaponsT4_Boomstick_SPAS12" count="all" loot_quality_template="QLTemplateT3">
                <item name="IZYgunT4shotgunSPAS12"/>
        <!-- append new shotgun lootgroups to the general tiered ranged weapon groups -->
        <append xpath="//lootgroup[@name='groupWeaponsT1_Ranged']">
            <item group="groupWeaponsT1_Boomstick_Doublebarrellong"/>
            <item group="groupWeaponsT1_Boomstick_BoltactionShotgun"/>
            <item group="groupWeaponsT1_Boomstick_Model1887"/>
        <append xpath="//lootgroup[@name='groupWeaponsT2_Ranged']">
            <item group="groupWeaponsT2_Boomstick_M31hunter"/>
            <item group="groupWeaponsT2_Boomstick_M1897"/>
            <item group="groupWeaponsT2_Boomstick_M870Police"/>
        <append xpath="//lootgroup[@name='groupWeaponsT3_Ranged']">
            <item group="groupWeaponsT3_Boomstick_M4terminator"/>
            <item group="groupWeaponsT3_Boomstick_XM12G"/>
            <item group="groupWeaponsT3_Boomstick_M590S"/>
            <!-- T4 -->
            <item group="groupWeaponsT4_Boomstick_Saika12g" prob="0.3"/>
            <item group="groupWeaponsT4_Boomstick_HEXAGun" prob="0.3"/>
            <item group="groupWeaponsT4_Boomstick_SPAS12" prob="0.3"/>
        <!-- append new shotgrun flechette ammo lootgroups to the sized ammo groups -->
        <append xpath="//lootgroup[@name='groupAmmoSmall']">
            <item group="groupShotgunShellFlechetteSmall"/>
        <append xpath="//lootgroup[@name='groupAmmoSmallNoArrow']">
            <item group="groupShotgunShellFlechetteSmall"/>
        <append xpath="//lootgroup[@name='groupAmmoMedium']">
            <item group="groupShotgunShellFlechetteMedium"/>
        <append xpath="//lootgroup[@name='groupAmmoMediumNoArrow']">
            <item group="groupShotgunShellFlechetteMedium"/>
        <append xpath="//lootgroup[@name='groupAmmoLarge']">
            <item group="groupShotgunShellFlechetteLarge"/>
        <!-- append new shotguns to tiered group quest reward loot groups -->
        <append xpath="//lootgroup[@name='groupQuestWeaponsRangedT1']">
            <item name="IZYgunT1shotgunDoublebarrellong"/>
            <item name="IZYgunT1shotgunBoltactionShotgun"/>
            <item name="IZYgunT1shotgunModel1887"/>
        <append xpath="//lootgroup[@name='groupQuestWeaponsRangedT2']">
            <item name="IZYgunT2shotgunM31hunter"/>
            <item name="IZYgunT2shotgunM1897"/>
            <item name="IZYgunT2shotgunM870Police"/>
        <append xpath="//lootgroup[@name='groupQuestWeaponsRangedT3']">
            <item name="IZYgunT3shotgunM4terminator"/>
            <item name="IZYgunT3shotgunXM12G"/>
            <item name="IZYgunT3shotgunM590S"/>
            <!-- T4 -->
            <item name="IZYgunT4shotgunSaika12g" prob="0.3"/>
            <item name="IZYgunT4shotgunHEXAGun" prob="0.3"/>
            <item name="IZYgunT4shotgunSPAS12" prob="0.3"/>



    And that's it. Just the one file.

  16. 51 minutes ago, murgatroyde said:

    I put together a loot.xml for this mod, similar to the one I posted in the 5.56 weapons mod thread.  I sprinkled some of the flechette ammo into the ammo lootgroups as well, since I like it.

    Neat. I tried it out and found a T2 shotgun in a weapon bag pretty quickly.


    I also added to the quest reward loot groups.

        <!-- append new shotguns to tiered group quest reward loot groups -->
        <append xpath="//lootgroup[@name='groupQuestWeaponsRangedT1']">
            <item name="IZYgunT1shotgunDoublebarrellong"/>
            <item name="IZYgunT1shotgunBoltactionShotgun"/>
            <item name="IZYgunT1shotgunModel1887"/>
        <append xpath="//lootgroup[@name='groupQuestWeaponsRangedT2']">
            <item name="IZYgunT2shotgunM31hunter"/>
            <item name="IZYgunT2shotgunM1897"/>
            <item name="IZYgunT2shotgunM870Police"/>
        <append xpath="//lootgroup[@name='groupQuestWeaponsRangedT3']">
            <item name="IZYgunT3shotgunM4terminator"/>
            <item name="IZYgunT3shotgunXM12G"/>
            <item name="IZYgunT3shotgunM590S"/>
            <!-- T4 -->
            <item name="IZYgunT4shotgunSaika12g" prob="0.3"/>
            <item name="IZYgunT4shotgunHEXAGun" prob="0.3"/>
            <item name="IZYgunT4shotgunSPAS12" prob="0.3"/>

    Managed to get a T1 shotgun as a reward for a T2 quest.



    A little confused what to do about the "groupInfestedT5MeleeRanged" loot group though. It has T2/T3 weapons in it. Feels weird to add T2/T3/T4 shotguns to it.

    Up to @Izayo what he wants.

  17. I managed to figure out why I couldn't see your rifles in your shop and tested a fix locally.

    Currently, in the items.xml, all 7 rifles have the same:

    <property name="TraderStageTemplate" value="baseTier1"/>

    I assume my trader-level is already too high and filtering out all baseTier1 items which include your rifles.


    If I swap the values to "baseTier2" for the T2 rifles and "baseTier3" for the T3/T4 rifles (same pattern as what I see in the items.xml for your shotgun pack), then I start seeing your rifles at my current trader-level.




    I am pretty sure this is the right fix since the gunMGT2TacticalAR is "baseTier2" and gunMGT3M60 is "baseTier3".





    3 hours ago, Izayo said:

    This should work ? 


    Randomly guessing, but I wonder if the "loot_quality_template" need to be changed per tier as well. Otherwise, I think your items will be treated the same as a low tier piece of loot and not sure what the implications of that are.

    edit2: Also, I see in the loot.xml that there are loot groups by quest tiers as well... I assume the individual weapons need to be added to those loot groups so your weapons can show up as quest rewards.

  18. 3Y3CUGw.png


    I don't think the xpath made a difference. Evaluating against the traders.xml and both xpath do the same thing.


    I also tried your version in the mod and could never get the trader to sell the new rifles. Saw a bunch of normal assault rifles though.

  19. 1 hour ago, RevenantWit said:

     Functionally when it comes to these two lines they are exactly the same and will do the exact same thing. One is just shorter than the other. 👍

    Is xpath like jquery for xml?



    <append xpath="//lootgroup[@name='groupQuestAmmo']">

    match all nodes that look like:

    <lootgroup name='groupQuestAmmo'>

    and then does the append of child nodes underneath to all those nodes?

    If so, that's pretty neat.

    Reading the game's xml files, it seems like it would be possible to add these weapons as quest rewards as well. I might try that for my own education.

    Do the xml file names need to match? Or does the game take all the xml documents and create a giant master document in memory?

  20. Neat. I really enjoyed your shotgun pack and have been looking forward to this.


    33 minutes ago, Izayo said:

    Things I want to say

    - Loot and Trader doesn't work , I don't know why 

      Hide contents

    and I don't F* care anymore

    so I think the only way to get the guns is to learn and craft them , sorry about that


    I managed to buy a Quality 3 M31 Hunter shotgun from the trader, so your guns do show up from the other pack.

    If that helps at all.

    edit: oh, guess this isn't really relevant to the issue after playing around with this new pack.

    Wish I knew enough to help.

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