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  1. So I added a few more exclusions. made sure he did exactly the same, port is still forwarded, but I have some new info on his side, Everything was perfect on his log except for EXC invalid stored block Lengths ERR NCSimple_Deserializer (ch=0) Message: invalid stored block lengths EXC invalid stored block lengths INF Exited thread NCS_Reader_0 INF Disconnect The solution for the exclusions I double checked mine and his, added a few more in there for good measure. Cant add the exe as an exclusion since gamepass just doesnt allow it.
  2. Really hope our situation can be resolved soon.
  3. https://pastebin.com/pdsXwvhP I've tried every fix I could ever think of, We can both play on servers just fine, but theres always that issue when trying to play peer to peer. Ive tried opening my ports, disabling and adding exceptions to firewall, exceptions for antivirus. disabling anti cheat, Network workaround on. and a few others. I'm very new to this. Thanks in advance for any help, it is very appreciated because im frustrated. We are both on xbox gamepass for PC.
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