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  1. I have played 7 Days to Die for a total of 70 hours (on PC), yet I've only completed a total of 6 sets of perk books across two solo worlds. It's either my bad luck, or a slight flaw in the game. A solution to this problem would be to reduce the probability of finding the same volume over and over again. For example if you were to read volume 1 a second time (or second, third, forth, etc.) it would reduce the probability to find it again in loot as opposed to other volumes of the series. I don't know how the looting system works on a technical level, but it'd be really cool not crying myself to sleep every time I see volume 5 of Tech Junkie in particular for no particular reason. Also it would be nice if traders sold you a different volume than the ones you've already read as well, though I'm unsure how that'd work in a multiplayer world. A bit of incentive.
  2. Recently the water acquisition process has been changed, and although this is a cool way of changing early gameplay, I find it really annoying trying to craft glue while managing my water levels. It costs one bottle of water per a glue and we get around 20 hydration per a water bottle, so managing this is pretty annoying. I was thinking that it'd be better to double the bone cost in exchange for crafting two glue at a time, all while only taking one water bottle. I remember playing this game on my Xbox when I was a kid so it's pretty cool seeing the state of the game today, I just hope my suggestions can help out a little bit in making this game even better!
  3. When crafting or scrapping I tend to have my crafting slots filled up with things that would usually only take a few seconds, this is because the current slot is taken up by something that takes a minute or two to complete. I know this is a very minor thing that is easily fixed manually, but I really wish there was a way to drag an item to the front of the queue. For reference.
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