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Everything posted by WangMajor

  1. AHHHHH. THIS. WORKS. Thank you so much!
  2. Ah, problem solved. Apparently you need to include Steam_ before the 17-digit code... then it works!
  3. As an admin on a server, I'm trying to use server commands like KICK or WHITELIST ADD, followed by the player's steam ID (17-digit number)... but whenever I try, it always returns an error that it's not a valid Steam ID. However, the only reason I was able to enable admin commands at all was by inputting my steam ID (editing the XML) to give admin access, so the game is recognizing it in some contexts... just not when I try to input IDs through the command console. Is this an A21 issue?
  4. UPDATE: I've managed to install CPM, but when I use the "pd add <steamID>" command in the command console, it says: ERR: Can not add SteamId. Invalid UserId <steamID> I know the Steam ID (my own) is valid, because I had to edit the server command files to give my steam ID admin access, which is what allows me to type commands into the command console in the first place. (for example, i can type "version" and see the mods I'm running on the server) Does anyone have any idea why the PD ADD command isn't recognizing my Steam ID?
  5. Oh, wonderful. I will take a look. The documentation looks quite dense, but this points me in the right direction. If anyone out there has experience with CPM and could walk me through how to do what I'm trying to do, that would be greatly appreciated.
  6. Hi there, I'm new to the whole server thing -- I only recent decided to start a dedicated server on Host Havoc so that a group of about 8 friends can all play together. The problem is that we have quite a range in skill level -- some players are completely new to the game, others have been playing for 1000+ hours -- but we all enjoy playing together. So the challenge is creating an environment for everybody. One idea I've had is to enable permadeath for SOME players... but is this possible? ie. when only certain players die, they lose their entire inventory + all levels. Basically I'm wondering if there's a mod, or a game setting, or specific server tools that would allow this. Thank you in advance!
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