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Everything posted by Accelos

  1. Welp that's lame I'll try it once I get off of work I suppose. Hopefully they do change it, if not would you or anyone happen to have recommendations for better server service providers?
  2. I updated and changed the admin xml, commands are still not going through and twitch integration is still not activating, is it probably something server side?
  3. Got it will update the admin file xml and see if it fixes it, thanks for providing the proper xml settings.
  4. It shouldn't be because I have moderators cause that's commented out but everything looks in order on the config file atleast compared to the last time that I used a dedicated server. It just refuses to register me as an admin in actual game and I am not allowed to use any of the commands listed even though I have the right perms levels.
  5. I see, I was able to get the right layout and coding for it <admin steamID="mySteam64ID" permission_level="0" /> and everything looks good on the config file on the service but it's not working in the actual server, is it the service itself and should I look for a new one?
  6. I was told by the support of my server service that Alpha 21 has issues assigning users with admin privileges, I am currently unable to set up twitch integration on the server, as well as have no admin rights on the server. Just here to confirm support and see if there are any work arounds currently?
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