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Posts posted by stewgs

  1. 24 minutes ago, Scyris said:

    Ahh the good old dog hordes from alpha 16.4 are back. I used to hate those till I learned to predict when they would spawn then they never got the jump on me again. Also yes, in a16.4 they were also super quiet, you'd not know they were coming till they hit you, or attacked a block nearby. Tips to deal with them: Close doors behind you, so if it does show up you'll hear them breaking the door down, giving you some time to react.

    a16.4 was way before my time. I started a19 or a20, can't remember. Good to hear that some things never change.

    Thanks for the good advise, only problem was that I had to be outside my base to upgrade the outer blocks I couldn't reach from the inside.

    Now I'm going to be super careful and cautious in my next world, even putting doors in mineshafts and trying to make a secure tree farm at some point.


    Also how exactly did you predict when the doggos spawn, would love to learn those skills aswell.

  2. 3 minutes ago, theFlu said:

    It's a bug, mostly. Or just bull@%$#. Whichever it is, I'd have a hard time calling it a death for a permadeath run .. :)


    I mean, I'd prolly restart anyway, but I don't think it's a .. feature.

    I don't really call it a death either but continuing after dying just feels wrong, even after something uncontrollable like this. 


    I really hope this gets fixed one day and the whole sound design gets reworked. 

  3. Was building my base in the middle of the night until I got jumped from behind by 7 dogs which were completly silent until they attacked me. Had Headphones on so I wouldn't get ambushed like this but with no luck. I always play permadeath so having to delete my world after 35 ingame days because of something like this feels tough.


    I've seen the occasional silent zombie before but a complete horde is new to me.


    What are your thoughts on silent hordes/zombies etc? 

    And was that a bug or intended?

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