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Refugee (1/15)



  1. I'm sorry, I pasted the last line converted to Japanese. I didn't know how to edit the text, so here is the English version. Below is the text. I was able to use it with the a20, but I couldn't use it this time. The cause is probably that the namespace has been added to the "RequirementGroup" class, and it can no longer be referenced by the ParseRequirement function (more precisely, the GetTypeWithPrefix function) of the QuestsFromXml class.
  2. Summary: Log:https://pastebin.com/rLLDRrVv Game Version: (A21 b317) OS/Version: (Windows) CPU Model: (Intel i7) System Memory: (32G) GPU Model and VRAM: (nVidia GTX 1070 4 GB) Screen Resolution: (Width and Height such as 1920x1080) Video Settings: (Medium) Game mode: (SP) Did you wipe old saves? (Yes) Did you start a new game? (Yes) Did you validate your files? (Yes) Are you using any mods? (No) EAC off? Status: NEW Bug Description: Using the requirement tag in quests.xml will result in an error. Detailed steps to reproduce the bug: 1)Open quests.xml 2)Added the following quests.xml <quest id="quest_zombiekills"> <property name="group_name_key" value="quest_BasicSurvival"/> <property name="name_key" value="quest_BasicSurvival2"/> <property name="subtitle" value="石斧を作る"/> <property name="subtitle_key" value="quest_BasicSurvival2_subtitle"/> <property name="description_key" value="quest_BasicSurvival2_description"/> <property name="icon" value="ui_game_symbol_hammer"/> <property name=" category_key" value="クエスト"/> <property name="offer_key" value="Quest_BasicSurvival_offer"/> <property name="difficulty" value="veryeasy"/> <property name="shareable" value="false"/> <objective type="EntityKill" target_tags="zombie" value="2"phase="1"> <property name="complete_event" value="action_repeat_quest_harvesting" /> </objective> <requirement type="Group" id= "requirementGroupAxe" value="OR"phase="1"> </requirement> <requirement type="Holding" id="meleeToolRepairT0StoneAxe"/> <reward type="Exp" value="50"/> </quest> 実際の結果: (何が起こっているかの説明) 以下のエラーが表示される 2023-06-18T22:19:39 35.093 ERR XML ローダー: 'quests.xml' のロードと解析に失敗しました 2023-06-18T22:19:39 35.097 EXC 要件クラス 'グループが見つかりません! 期待される結果: (何が起こると予想されるか) a20では使えましたが、今回は使えませんでした。 原因としては、「RequirementGroup」クラスに名前空間が追加され、QuestsFromXmlクラスのParseRequirement関数(正確にはGetTypeWithPrefix関数)で参照できなくなっていることが考えられます。
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