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Everything posted by bytemage

  1. Thank you ZamiZ. I got the Dashboard working, but didn't know about the modules config. I'll try that. And extra thanks for the original post. I did search for "Dashboard" before making this post. I swear.
  2. fixed the PL, my bad >< but still no idea how to get the map renderer mod to work
  3. If you need to craft to get better at crafting, you'll have to craft a lot of junk before the items become any better. That is no fun. Fighting skills on the other hand should increase the more you use one kind of weapon. That just feels right. So, the magazines for crafting are great, and magazines for fighting skills could be a rare bonus, but in general they should improve by using them. Anyway, I think it works as it is now. There is always room to improve, but I do like it as it is.
  4. I don't see a way to change the PL or anything else.
  5. The WebDashboard works and I created a user. It's at "Permission level: 1000", and I get "Authentication error" a lot. How do I make things happen? I'm stumped. Especially the map render mod, how do I activate it? Where do I get/set the URL to the map?
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