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Wyze Wildfire

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About Wyze Wildfire

  • Birthday 10/27/1969

Personal Information

  • Biography
    Old man that enjoys 7 Days To Die.
  • Location
    DFW Texas USA
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Refugee (1/15)



  1. Okay... for any dedicated admins out there such as myself that like to play incognito without the entire server of rando's knowing you're the admin, so you set your admin level down below 0 to get that narking rat fink of a star off your name listing in the player info window, you may have noticed this same issue that the "Spawn Entities UI" stopped working for you. The solution to address this particular issue is to simply add the command directly into the admin config file: <permission cmd="spawnentityat" permission_level="100" /> this will then restore your ability to utilize the "Spawn Entity UI" window without outting yourself as the admin!
  2. When I execute the command "jd clear" the server tells me it is denying me. As the dedicated server admin I have also tried adding it to the command list and this does not remedy the problem. I see multiple posts online of people using this command to clear up drone problems and the server tells me it is denying me, all of this combines to tell me that the command exists and is still functional and yet, simultaneously the server denies me its use. Any thoughts?
  3. Heads up the Alpha 21.2 (b37) has the potential to create RWG 2K maps without a trader. Just had my dedicated server create one and as I try to complete the starter quest/missions, I'm presented with JOURNEY TO SETTLEMENT followed by the words... Locate Trader: NO TRADER Follow the on-screen navigation icon and head towards the trader. Love you guys and just thought you should know!
  4. The problem is even greater than that... We had a half dozen Asian players join the server for a short time and then leave. None of the admin features work anymore. Now that may just be a coincidence but it is awfully suspicious... And to take it a step further the server stopped releasing players. It appears to be random, but if you log off there is a good chance you can NOT rejoin the server because the server believes you are still connected EVEN IF you shut down you 7DTD, STEAM, REBOOT YOUR PC, the dedicated server believes you are still connected until we reboot the server... We deleted the word and some of the admin commands came back for the brand new world but the server is still not releasing some players when they log off and the original post persists...
  5. Spawn Entities UI Stopped Working It worked fine a couple of days prior. Today it no longer functions. Tried rebooting the server multiple times. Any thoughts?
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