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Dark Wun

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  1. Alright, this is good to know i guess - not to wish for it because it already exists and is kind of broken but available in mods.
  2. The mod works fine? Or are you saying there's still a lock feature in vanilla?
  3. I actually should have posted this in the Pimp Dreams forum as I was hoping for a base game feature. Thanks for the link though. Hard to see what it does exactly from the picture preview, but I see it's from the same modder of DF.
  4. Random world and terrain all the way. I love exploring and the challenge of not knowing where you are and adapting to your environment to survive. I also do a quick teleport across my random generated worlds to make sure I get one or two mega cities in the wasteland. So tired of world gen creating a bunch of smaller cities or industrial cities with no Higashi, or Dishong or Shotgun factory. I must have at least one of each of these in my world and strongly prefer them in the wasteland.
  5. Hard to argue with that. I've been extremely unlucky the last couple of restarts in A21 then. In one game I chopped 15-20 stumps before I got my first honey. Second game it was about the same but certainly not in line with the 20%. If it truly is 20%, then there's no need for anyone to complain about the lack of honey early game , chopping 5 stumps (on average) is quite insignificant of a time investment for the pay off, plus you get the much needed wood for building and arrows.
  6. Can we please get a feature that allows locking of items in the inventory so they don't move when interacting with storage containers. This is awesome for looting / quick unloading at base? The current quick button that allows you to move items in your inventory common to what is already in the container is great, it just needs this said lock feature so I don't have to worry about items I want to keep a supply of from moving to the container, e.g., arrows, bullets, medikits, etc.
  7. I definitely noticed the nerf to the honey drop rate from tree stumps in A21 - it was a marked difference; however, it wasn't game breaking by any means. The last game I started, I had to spend a good chunk of the day 1 or day 2 (I forget) to get my first honey from wild stumps, but it's worth it. Try to have honey before actually getting infected because chances are against you for getting one from a stump before you reach 5% infection. There's no way the drop rate is 20%, unless i'm not understanding the other posters here. It's not 1 honey per 5 stumps chopped, no way, more like 5% or 1 in 20. Also, the wood gathered from getting that first honey is very useful early game, so it's not like you're totally wasting time.
  8. Hi can anyone comment on which environmental objects re-spawn in the wasteland and maybe a little on the re-spawn mechanic? I'm pretty sure the piles of crossed scrap iron beams do. What about the grey concrete bricks, piles of red bricks? also is it random or do they re-spawn in the exact same place? how about the re-spawn time?
  9. yep, you're spot on; some of the characters copied directly from here don't get properly recognized in the text editor. I changed that and everything seems to be working as planned. First step of my modding complete, cheers!
  10. No dice on the first try. I think there's a syntax error. I got this message in the console in red letters: ERR XML loader: Loading XML patch file 'loot.xml' from mod 'Noloot' failed: EXC "" is an unexpected token. The expected token is "" or "", Line 2, position 15. Is there a way I can copy feedback from the console, I had to manually type that and may have got some of the " symbols wrong?
  11. Alright, thanks, so I've got the directory structure worked out for my small mod and I think I can figure out what to put in the ModInfo.xml no problem: NoCotton \config \loot.xml \ModInfo.xml So now I make the loot.xml file: <config> <remove xpath=“//item[@name=‘resourceCropCottonPlant’]”/> </config> Just those three lines and my mod is complete? Or is there some code I need to tell it to call the default loot.xml file and then modify it with xpath?
  12. nice, thank you. So just stick this line right at the end in loot.xml in a particular save game and cotton in random loot is gone from that point on?
  13. Hi all, Is it possible, and fairly simple, for someone new to modding, to outright remove something from the loot table so it never shows up randomly in loot containers? e.g., cotton
  14. Hey can you elaborate on which specific lines of the code I need to modify? I tried removing the following lines and the vending machines still seem to be stocking items: <item group="drinkVending" count="4,8"/> <item group="drinkSpecialVending" count="4,8"/> <item group="foodVending" count="4,8"/> <item group="foodCandy" count="4,8"/> Am I doing this right?
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