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Posts posted by Akagi

  1. Probably solved:

    Before posting I initially thought the last update occured before we played.

    it would appear the last update occured shortly after we stopped playing yesterday then we reconnected today on a new build ID which could trigger various bugs as I understand.

    So that's probably what happened and why we can't reproduce the bug today.

  2. Hello,


    We are 2 players playing on a brend new generated map (yesterday june the 15th. We played several hours, built, leveled up, read a lot of books.
    We connected to our game today, everything is identical excepted for the characters which are both back to level 1 with a clean slate : no skills, no read books.
    The inventories are correctly saved : we did not lose anything in backpacks, belts or chests.


    We leveled up back to lvl 2 and read books again, logged off, restarted, we were still level 2 with the allocated point and read books were correctly saved. We leveled up to level 3, read some more books, logged off, restarted, everything looked correctly saved, we kept our levels and read books.
    We could not reproduce the issue for now.


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