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Everything posted by kisgergo9

  1. I would like create an new concrete block. i ready this almost but i don't know how to add 2 different material to update. Here is the code: <block name="concreteShapes" shapes="All"> <property name="Group" value="Building,advBuilding"/> <property name="DescriptionKey" value="concreteGroupDesc"/> <property name="DisplayType" value="blockHardened"/> <property name="Material" value="Mconcrete_shapes"/> <property name="Texture" value="8"/> <property name="UiBackgroundTexture" value="8"/> <property class="RepairItems"> <property name="resourceConcreteMix" value="15"/> </property> <drop event="Harvest" name="resourceRockSmall" count="60" tag="allHarvest"/> <drop event="Destroy" count="0"/> <drop event="Fall" name="terrDestroyedStone" count="1" prob="0.75" stick_chance="1"/> <property name="EconomicValue" value="50"/> <property name="EconomicBundleSize" value="20"/> <property name="FilterTags" value="MC_Shapes"/> <property name="SortOrder1" value="0009"/> <property class="UpgradeBlock"> <property name="ToBlock" value="concreteShapesv2"/> <property name="Item" value="resourceConcreteMix"/> <property name="ItemCount" value="20"/> <property name="UpgradeHitCount" value="4"/> </property> <property name="CustomUpgradeSound" value="place_block_concrete"/> </block> the goal would be when i update block to concreteShapesv2 then use it 20 pieces resourceConcreteMix and 2 pieces resourceYuccaFibers any ideas for this? version I use Alpha 20.6 (b9)
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