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Everything posted by Cloyne

  1. That's true. it looks like that's what happened. I was able to fix the sound level. Had to replace the noise value with the corresponding vanilla gun as well as the crouch sound modifier. Also, some sounds had a start, middle and end identified by _s or _end on the name, which needed the noise level to be set to 0. Otherwise, if all three are set to the vanilla noise volume, each one will generate that amount of noise making it 3 times as loud. I'll make a reply on one of his mod's and link this forum post! Thanks for the help, guys.
  2. I noticed that, thanks for the response. Seems like it will be easy enough. Not sure why it wasn't like that from the beginning from the mod author if it's just changed a couple of values.
  3. Sweet, so it looks like I can just go through the modded weapon sounds and alter the noise they make. I'm guessing I just change the "noise" value from 70 to 17 and that's all that will be needed? And the same for the rest of the guns.
  4. Well that's too bad I can't still use the custom sounds but if it'll work with stealth then that'll do. And I'm assuming you can change the sound to whichever vanilla sound and it'll work the same?
  5. I've downloaded some mods that add weapons to the game, specifically the ones made by Izayo, and they don't seem to be affected by the silencer in game. With the silencer on the weapon, the sound changes but the sound bar still fills to 100 as if firing without a silencer. Is there something in the files I can change to allow the silencer to work correctly with these guns? I really enjoy playing a stealth build and want to mix it up from the vanilla pistol and sniper rifle combo.
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