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  1. So what i did: Get into 0-XNPCCore\Config\Options Make a Backup of "entitygroups_nocorespawn" Rename "entitygroups_nocorespawn" to "entitygroups" Copy it and go to 0-XNPCCore\Config Paste it and overwrite the file with the same name thats there Didnt change any basegame files.
  2. First of all, thanks for answering that quickly! Just to avoid confusion, there are animals mentioned in the "entitygroups_nocorespawn.xml", but if i do the steps you describe here, normal vanilla animals still will spawn, right?
  3. Hello @khzmusik I would like to use your Rogues & Psychos and Whisperers-AddOn on my server. First time handling those things, so bare with me.. ^^ If i want to use those 3 factions with the standard system and dont want any other custom NPCs to spawn (just psychos, rogues, whisperers) do i need to do any settings on SCore or NPCCore or your mods? Or just install all those and go for it?
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