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Everything posted by SteelMonkey

  1. I am also playing with repairing the old prefabs and just using them in the newer maps. This would bring back the older book high rises I suppose. I have yet to make a map through the RWG, but I suppose I can place prefabs manually and make a map that is "perfect" to what I want.
  2. Also the farming mechanics seems good in A19, you place a seed, it grows to maturity, you harvest, it grows another......Simple, and really doesnt need any more "realism".
  3. I think the lack of loot in A20 is one thing. Its a scenario where you may not find the sniper rifle schem for many RL hours or days in game. Combined with only finding pipe weapons mostly and not the pump shotgun etc for long periods. Also the fact that you get swarmed alot more by large groups of zombies. I spent over 40 hours of real time to find the auger schematic, and never did find the sniper rifle or schematic in that period. That's the tedious part. Just seems like everything has to be worked harder for, which is more like my real life, and not as much fun. The nostalgia of the book HQ is what I like, combined with the plethora of books in one place. I may seem "OP" but to someone who gets off work and just wants to relax it's the one thing that I look forward to. Finding many books, but also the way it's laid out and the challenging parts like the fourth floor and roof. Just makes it alot more fun that the new design.
  4. I appreciate the teams hard work on the game and in no way do I want to take away from that, or worse yet insult anyone. I'm not sure if this feedback will be helpful, hurtful, or just worthless, but here I go...... I've only got 975 hours or so, so I feel I am still a newb. I've run my own server a few times and had some good times up to A19. I upgraded to A20 and it was great to see the graphics improvements, the pipe weapons, etc. After about 40 hours on A20 though I just was not getting much fun out of the game as I have with A19. The loot seemed sporatic at best. The POI's were just not as fun, especially the old crack-a-book tower missing was a real downer. The gameplay seems more tedious and difficult. This was just no longer a game I could come home from work and fire up to crack some skulls and have some fun with. The map generator is great, but still is not able to be fine tuned to give a map to my liking like the old nitrogen and kinggen. Eventually I had to go back to A19 to start having fun again. I don't really have ot have a game that's "easy", in fact I like nightmare setting, but these "upgrades" to game mechanics I am just not having fun with. I'm sorry if this is insulting to the team or other players, and I don't want to make it sound like I am whining because I am not.
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