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Posts posted by pewi

  1. 2 hours ago, Beelzybub said:

    I agree, here are some things to check related to network issues in this game.


        1: AntiVirus: Add a folder exception for the game folder and the save folder
           in your antivirus software. (on both client and server)
        2: Use Ethernet, not Wifi.

           WiFi is half-duplex and subject to interference and latency.


        3: oem gaming and lighting software like Gamefirst from Asus, Dell, HP, Corsair, etc.

           Uninsall all this junkware.
        4: VPN or proxy: Use split tunneling to add an exception for the game.
           Or turn off the vpn. (both clients and server)

    Another thing I've been seeing lately is routers that have security

    features enabled that interfere with game connections.


    1. Both were added to exceptions

    2. He can't do it right now (he didn't take a cable with him)

    3. He doesn't have any game boosters

    4. VPN is off


    I did ask him to set his phone (lte) as an acces point. After 20min in game everything was fine. When he switched to his router (1und1 dls provider) then problem return after 30sec in game. 


    So the problem is with his router or with the internet provider.  



    he used 2 times a cmd command pathping ServerIP:



  2. I deleted all files in the folder in path: Saved/World/Navezgane/GameName/Player


    Me and 2 other players don't have any problems at all. Only he has these problems.

    I think it can be a network problem, becouse sometimes (before falling) there are strange things around. 


    • He can do anything one the map normally, but for him other players are stuck in the place
    • One time I saw him when he cut a tree and 10 zomebies attacked him (he couldn't see them and he didint take any damage -  they didn't exist for him at this time). But when I come closer to him and try to hit zombies, then they were damaged. 


    These commands also didin't help:

    • DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth
    • ipconfig /flushdns 
    • netsh int ip reset
    • restart windows
  3. 21 hours ago, Beelzybub said:

    The player tries to spawn in a position that is well outside the map. The server corrects this initially, but then the player's position is again placed well outside the map dimensions. Try deleting the player profile on the server and test again. If you want to pm me the server data I'll try to connect and see if I can find a problem.


    The server fixed his position and he was able to play normally, but after 30 seconds of running he just fell again.

    Today I deleted his profile from the server side.


    Today he also did:

    • Verified game files 5 times
    • Added Steam folder and savefolder to antivirus exclusions (Windows Deffender)
    • Used cmd command : netsh winsock reset


    But it's all for nothing, the problem still exists ;/


    new serverlog:



    new gamelog:


  4. Hi, one of my friends has a problem playing on my server (hosting asg), me and 3 other people can play normally.

    When we played on the version a19 everything was fine (same hosting, same friend's device, but 1 year ago). 


    When he runs around the map, after 30sec - 5min he will falling under the ground.

    If he was in the water, he will be there - but he can't go on the ground.

    Teleport commands don't work during this time - I can't teleport him and he can't teleport.


    • Verified the game files on steam - doesn't help
    • Uninstall -> delete from registry -> run ccleaner -> restart windows - doesn't help (he did it 2 times)
    • Connecting to another public server - doesn't help
    • Update windows/GPU drivers - doesn't help
    • Starting without mods and on the Nevzgane map - doesn't help
    • Set the game graphics to the lowest  - doesn't help


    If he create a new public game directly in the game then the problem doesn't exist - or maybe it's much harder to reproduce it.

    Thanks for any help.


    Server log:



    Game log:


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