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  1. there's mods for the game? well that could change things considerably. got any suggestion for places to get those ?
  2. I have tried to avoid them before and yes there are a lot of them. my favorite thing to do was to bore into a mountain and just dig out large tunnels and such. get crafty with a stone axe and carved a stone dwarf statue. but then auger hand zombies became a thing and that style of play something I could no longer do. I was quite happy being able to create my own under world. and with every update it just seems like less of a Sandbox game and more like a RPG with no story. I left for a while came back cause some friends asked me to play with them. A lot has changed from 17. I used to love this game now ... eh just feels very forced into "only one way to play" with the next update
  3. so funny thing the wife said to me during our morning coffee made me realize why I'm liking 7 days less and less it no longer "feels" like a Sandbox game it feels like a very bad RPG without a story. I think I understand what the cause of it is now that I think about it. a Sandbox Game shouldn't need me to "adopt a new playstyle" I should be able to play the game how I want and have player agency. With the constant "your not playing the game how we want you to play it" updates and changes where players air the concerns about their player agency being remove the more the game isn't a SandBox game I honestly think this is why the game updates we keep getting just make's playing the game a chore less fun more like world or warcraft with no factions. I honestly think the game no longer feels like a sand box when your told by dev's that how you like to play in a sand box game where how you like to play is always punished or told to adopt a new way or being forced to play in away you don't find fun but its how they want you to play. that's just not a sandbox anymore. Go figure it takes the wife pointing it out for me to see it.
  4. you do understand that some players do try to avoid POI's Traders and Towns. I am not saying its not doable and you do have people like me with absolutely no time management skill what so ever and are always in the dark doing things. I mean the game is marketed as a "Sandbox" where you should need POI or Trader's to play
  5. what if you don't have either ? what if you walk every where always moving and needing to set up a small shelter that may not hold up for your game stage? just asking cause I want to know
  6. so, what I am understanding is don't update the game past alpha 20. like Minecraft where people just play 9.7 because that version was better. cause reading this makes it sound like how I like to play wont be viable anymore. duct tape and glue is what holds everything together. this is my thoughts : As I already Read the dev's saying "adopt a new play style " reasons " I'm having a Ton of fun with my melee only base " this statement is "sucks to be you, we don't care" . While I understand some thing this is not the type of comments that should be given as it is very dismissive of how a chosen set of people like to play. there are a few thing like comments of "you could play on nightmare mode" but it is starting to feel like the games default setting is going to do that for us and the option might as well be removed. but what do I know I already play with 25% loot zombies always run, and horde night is every 3 days having water and food for my style of play is hard enough to maintain. but again this statement of "adopt a new play style" Simply will not work for me. Are the Fun Pimps going to fix some of the bugs where players will fall through solid blocks and get stuck till someone punches them ? what about the when setting down turrets and them falling through the world ? just a few things I am sure they already know are bigger issues. we already have auger hand zombies 2 types of exploding zombies and a constant need to replant a garden. could we get some farm animals to raise we already get packs of wolves and dogs to attack or a few bears. why not introduce food poisonings for items that sit around in you inventory for so long ? because the game should feel so zombie survival real that people dont even want to play it anymore because it's getting to much like real life and less like a game you would play for fun at that point ? eating a can of beans or cat food should run the risk of depleting water and health. you have that burnt meat that makes you deplete water already. the problem I am seeing is there "Are" ways to balance the food and water issue already. what I am looking at right now with these changes are two things. How I play the game is not seen as a valid way of playing. and two I likely need to find a new game to play. as for now I know I will not be updating the game. unless it actually get out of Alpha to a finished game product to give it a real test as an actual game. as things sit I dont think i want to sink any more time into a game that already as hard as life is right now. in closing I thank the dev's that actually made the game fun up until auger hand zombies where I was told " dont build under ground " because I like living like a dwarf.
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