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Posts posted by Crymson

  1. 5 hours ago, pApA^LeGBa said:

    After playing a while in MP Coop now we realized the changes with the skill magazines are horrible for our group. We have 3 who go out looting, no issues here, we get enough magazines and parts for our skills. But we also have 2 people who don´t enjoy going out at all and we don´t get a lot of magazines for them, it´s even more of a problem with the parts. They do the mining, crafting, farming, cooking and the very extensive building and they are far behind in progression (so much for TFP and the mods constantly saying this won´t be a problem when people where critizing exactly that problem months ago already) 


    So, is there any chance we get a mod for a skillsystem like in DF for vanilla?

    Wyrd has made a mod on here that makes magazines yield 5 points each.  Certainly not an absolute fix but it might suit your needs as a stop gap.
    Personally I'd like to see a mod that makes the mags yield more based on the level of your base skill, so you can specialize more quickly and effectively.

  2. Ahh very cool, I did a grep through my mod folder and had found no reference for id=950 outside the vehicle mod which is why I asked. I really appreciate the quick response I wanted to make these available to my players and since I couldn't find a fix myself I came here.  Thanks again you rock!

  3. Quit being an ignorant troll and explain what errors you are getting in your server log.
    Khaine's mods do work on multiplayer, you know how I know? I HAVE A MP SERVER RUNNING RIGHT NOW WITH THEM!!
    If you arent getting them to work one of two things is most likely.
    1) you just dropped the files from the zip straight into the MODS folder without drilling down one level, the first folder in his zips is not used, you hafta go into that first folder and put the next folder into your mods folder. For example you will have -> khaines-modlets-a19-master-KHA19-96BBMFW -> KHA19-96BBMFW its the second folder you want so KHA19-96BBMFW with everything inside that.  In a mod the Modinfo.xml and file structure must always be in the first folder of the mod.

    Or 2) You have your Mods folder in the wrong location in your 7Days install, it needs to be directly in the base directory of 7days.

    Good luck and try not to be such a douche to the mod creators.

  4. installed on a dedicated server freshly wiped for a restart with b173 no A18 mod files at all.  System started screaming warning messages spammed in the console window while trying to log into the server.  Uninstalled each perk mod in turn until all were gone, each one progressively screamed about its individual duplicate entry.  Rebooted the server of course between each uninstall and clinet had to be alt-F4'd to desktop each time. Other mods on the server were already established to work happily together without errors during b169. Sorry I cant offer more help just thought you would want to be aware there is an issue. good luck hope it all works out well.

  5. tried all of these and all spammed a red warning about duplicate entries, locking up the client and making it impossible to join a game.
    (Clarification) tried all the perk mods.

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