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Apocalyptical Survivor

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Posts posted by Apocalyptical Survivor

  1. Yeah, I know how to use the Camera view to set the visual cone up, thanks for the reminder. Typically, I put it next to a block that will constrain the view to exactly where I want it. Also, I don't have it switched, but that's something I could try. Right now, the only issue I'm having is the inability to activate the pressure plates. Now that I know it doesn't work, I'll probably switch over to motion sensors and try some of your suggestions. Thanks again.

  2. I hate the way ground blocks attach to structure blocks. There's this huge fugly gap that can't be filled, at least I haven't been able to find a way to make smooth transitions. And yet the open world is full of such smooth transitions. Look at the way asphalt streets butt up against sidewalks. Have you tried creating that yourself? Asphalt works like dirt or topsoil by piling on in peaks that wind up leaving gaps when placed next to structure blocks. 


    Valheim has smoothing tools that work so much better. They're not perfect, but they allow you to create *much* better looking terrain than 7DTD. 


    Or am I missing some game mechanic for controlling this? Please say yes and tell me how, that would truly make my day. 


    Thanks for any insights or suggestions.

  3. I'm still in early game, level 51, but I have to say that stealth play has been hella fun thus far. Walking into a room full of sleeping zeds and taking them out one by one without waking any of them, is such a different playstyle than what I've been previously used to, it's really a refreshing change. Slower gameplay, kind of the difference between Rainbow Six vs. Borderlands, but very rewarding.


    Going stealth has caused me to learn a lot about heatmaps and how they affect zombie spawning. This game has some serious depth.

  4. Lot of great information in this convo, thanks guys. I went ahead and re-rolled a new map for stealth play for my wife and I and we are having a blast. We're not far yet, barely level 30, but we're learning a lot about the things being said here and the various inconsistencies, etc. We don't intend to be one-trick ponies, we're beefing up our face combat too.


    I like the efficiency of the Agility tree, getting into Light Armor, pistols, knives and archery for the same 10 pt cap. I want a natural 10 in AGI while looking for some Nerdy glasses for my INT for Advanced Engineering and Trader buffs. Electric fences seem pretty OP for horde nights, so I'm not too worried about the ineffectiveness of stealth then, it's after all only once a week. The rest of the time we seem to be able to clear out most POIs, and the ones that wake up unexpectedly go down with some good coordination between us. Knife power attacks to the head at AGI 10 are fun as hell and very deadly.


    I don't feel like we need to rely on stealth to survive. That may change at higher game stages, but for now we're having more than enough fun to justify the experiment. We'll probably just keep playing this out as our mains until (and if) things start to go south.


    Thanks for the many tips and insights.

  5. Well I haven't tried stealth yet so I don't have a tactic for it, I'm very interested in giving it a try, but not if it's useless at my gamestage. I'm waiting for A21 before I build a new world, I'd prefer to keep playing my existing world, and it's easy enough to use a forgetting elixir and respec into a stealth build, so I would do that and give it a try, but I know nothing about the mechanics or the armor considerations, etc., so I'm starting my research now and I thought this would be a good place to ask those who play stealth. I see a lot of videos about how to start a new game in stealth, but I'm in mid to late game stage now and my main question is if stealth is still viable at this stage.


    Thanks for any insights or suggestions.

  6. I see all these attractive stealthing abilities, but given the nature of this game and how you're so often up close and personal with groups of tough zombies, I don't see many opportunities for playing this game in stealth mode. My current build is all Steel armor, T6 Steel Auto Shotgun and T6 Steel bat, I'm around L140 and I club things to death or blow their heads off. I can't imagine stealth being very effective, but I'm intrigued enough that I'd like to hear from others who play stealth and be told credibly otherwise. What armor and weapons do use, how do  you fare in T5 quest finales and the bazillion radiated ferals that gang up on you at that point?


  7. I build a decent horde base that provides ramps for the zombies to ascend, and funnels them into a narrow bridge to my elevated bunker, allowing me a good opportunity to shoot them as they approach. When they inevitably fall off the narrow bridge, they land on a walled slab of concrete from which they usually can't escape my guns and molotovs. My bunker sits atop mountains of concrete and is multiple layers thick, so I'm well protected and able to just shoot forward safely in my bunker. The bridge is pretty straightforward, made of steel with steel barriers for them cross to slow them down on their way towards me. Works well.


    But I've noticed some odd behaviors and I'm trying to understand how zombie behave. Some of them, when climbing the ramp, stop and try to destroy it, which seems very counter productive since it's their only way to me up in my cage. Als0, they don't always funnel correctly and sometimes just stop along the way and try to destroy walls that will get them nowhere. Are they really just randomly motivated or are there some reliable rules of engagement in directing them toward a specific objective?


    What factors influence zombie behavior. I appreciate any insights or suggestions, thanks!

  8. I'd like to make a ramp for zombies to walk up to my horde trap, but I can't figure out which blocks to use to keep a free-standing ramp going on a diagonal path upwards, without pieces sticking out in unnatural places. I've tried using Wedge 60's in various combinations, but I can't seem to find the right combination. I'm aware also of the structural stability limitations, so I'm thinking maybe I just need a solid wall that ramps up on the top surface, but I know I've seen videos of other bases that had the kind of free standing ramp I'm envisioning:







    And by the way, what's the difference between a "ramp" and an "incline"?


    I'd appreciate any insights or suggestions. Thanks.

  9. That's fine, I look forward to starting a new map. Even with all the significant changes coming to crafting and skilling up, I will still have amassed enough information about gameplay that it will be fun to start anew with all the acquired knowledge. 


    If they put a gun to your head and forced you to guess the most likely timeframe for the A21 drop, what would your answer be? 

  10. Ok, a lot of great information in this thread, whether you consider it "roadmap" or "feature list". I just started this game at A20.5 (b) so I don't know any of the history, but I do know that A20 was a big drop. Did it require wiping old save files, or was there a conversion process and, more importantly, has there been any indication of whether A21 will require something similar? I honestly don't mind restarting, for me the journey is the reward, but I'd like to know just the same. Thanks.


    I haven't enjoyed a game this much in a LONG time, I hope the future of this game is as fun as it's been so far.

  11. Here's what I mean. I use the auger to dig a hole straight down into the ground below me. It makes a "square" like hole, but it is more like a diamond because when I try to place ladders, the ladders go into the corners of the diamond, not the sides of the square as I would hope. Is there a way to align the auger's hole (or alternatively the ladders) so that it allows me to place the ladders on a side wall instead of into a corner?


    I hope that makes sense. Thanks for any insights or suggestions.

  12. My wife and I play a private game on our LAN and love it. I usually host the game and she Joins. But there are times when I'm not home and she would like to play, without having to start me up too. Is it possible for her computer to get the saved game on my computer and be able to start up the game where we left off and continue it until we play again together?
    Thanks for any insights or suggestions.
  13. My wife and I just recently started playing 7 Days to Die, and we're really enjoying it. We're now up to Day 77, just got through a rough horde night, but base survived easily and we made it through the other side. 


    This game is not only early access, it's in "alpha" stage. And yet it's one of the most complete, well-polished early access games I've ever played. I've encountered almost no bugs, everything I've used to date works perfectly, and there is so much to do, so much I've yet to see (we just discovered a desert biome), it's astonishing how much this game has to offer, and how fun it is.


    So why is it still in "alpha"? What else is coming? I can see that there needs to be some compelling endgame content, always the biggest challenge in any game with this much structured progression. Is there  a development roadmap somewhere I can consult to see what's coming? 


    All I can say is, if this game truly is in alpha stage and there's that much more to come, I'm deliriously excited for its future. But part of me thinks that this could be that the developers are just wary of making a "game complete" commitment and everything that brings with it. Reviews, critiques, warranties, etc., when they can just instead sit back and just keep adding stuff whenever they feel like it, without pressure (since it appears their early access is selling well as is).


    What's actually going on, anyone know?



  14. I'm getting owned on my 7th nights, and I'm trying to manage how best to protect my base. Got a few questions.


    1) What about putting as moat around the base, not necessarily filled with water, but basically a big ditch, will that help? Do zombies get stuck in ditches?

    2) I have been avoiding doors and just using a hole in the roof and ladders on the side. But I learned tonight that the zombies can climb ladders, or otherwise somehow climb on top of my base. Is there a way to prevent them from going up on top? Is there a minimum wall height I should aim for?

    3) Is it possible to build a tunnel underground that I can use to get in and out from a safe location into the interior of the horde base?


    I'd appreciate any additional insights or suggestions. Thanks!

  15. My wife and I decided to re-roll a new map on our LAN and restart. The trouble is, we wind up starting 20,000,000 miles apart from each other. Is there a way to have us spawn together in the same location? Maybe die at the same time? Or another thing, is it possible to group together? I haven't had any success trying to /invite her. Is grouping a thing in this game? Will it help us to spawn together?


    Thanks for any insights or suggestions.

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