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Posts posted by LagunaFox

  1. 3 minutes ago, BFT2020 said:

    See a previous post I made about it



    Awesome, let me give that a try.


    Edit - Worked like a charm thanks a lot! I was mostly just missing the spawnpoint bit, didn't realize that was needed since it was between the spawnpoint start and stop bits. Programming is just so picky lol. Again thank you very much.

  2. On 5/14/2022 at 9:47 PM, theFlu said:

    For 2) spawnpoints.xml in the generated world folder


    If I may ask what is the format for adding custom spawn points? I found something on steam talking about this before so I already have the coordinates that I want to use but I put them in the spawnpoints xml file and still ended up spawning somewhere else so I must have the format wrong.

  3. 17 minutes ago, Matt115 said:

    Well... this works this way sometimes. i'm not  joking. Ofc you will not figured out how to make AK47 but you can figured out something unespected - few gunsmith by their war experience use a strange solution to improve weapons

    Right but those are gunsmiths that go into war, they already had knowledge, skills and understanding on how these guns were made and worked before they ever fired them. Seeing as how we start off this game with literally no skills at all I assume we are talking about any average joe schmo out there picking up a gun, firing off a couple hundred rounds and suddenly knowing how to make the weapon better.

    What you are talking about probably makes more sense in a game where you pick a class to start with, which I again have to point at Darkness Falls and the other mods like it.

  4. 13 minutes ago, Roland said:


    This is something I absolutely love about Valheim. You upgrade your workstation and decorate your shop at the same time. Terraria also does this. It is very satisfying. I hope TFP considers this strongly for their next game if it even has craft stations.

    I can also agree with this, I've only just started playing Valheim but I love the additions to the workbench and forge, they really fill out the space around them and create a proper workshop kind of vibe. Anyone that has walked into a workshop understands what I mean, you don't just have once bench for everything, you've got racks for tools, tool chests/boxes, specialized equipment all that stuff. It also really gives a sense of progression more so than just increasing a number somewhere.

  5. Now then, I apologize for the double post but I really want to say that I love this idea. I've always had a bone to pick with the way crafting weapons works in this game honestly (I started with alpha 19 myself but I do have nearly 1,000 hours in the game at this point). I always hated that you can just go kill 1,000 zombies, level up and spend the perk point to improve something that will let you craft better weapons. I'm sorry but killing zombies does not make the knowledge on how to make a better gun just pop in your head, it doesn't work like that lol.


    The old learning by doing system had potential and I played the Darkness Falls mod at least in part because I wanted to experience that system but I ultimately found that it was very resource intensive, mostly the resource of time - it took forever to upgrade skill levels that way by doing very tedious work. I think this new system is the most logical, realistic and immersive system that you could use honestly. If civilization ended tomorrow most of us wouldn't have any idea how to build a gun or maintain it, however we can read so all we need is to find a set of instructions.

    I also hated that some gun schematics were entirely pointless. Like why does the ak schematic even exist? If you are going to be making an ak you are going to be putting points into the machine gunner perk to create higher quality guns and the very first perk point you put into machine gunner automatically unlocks ak crafting anyway. There is literally no point in that schematic existing what so ever, same can be said for the pistol schematic or the double barrel shotgun schematic.

    I have mixed feelings on linking magazine drop rates to the weapon perks. On the one hand I like the ability to influence what kind of drops I'm going to get so that I can create a specific build that I want to use. I've often felt like the smg gets relegated to late game a little too much when I think it should be a mid game alternative to things like the ak and tactical assault rifle. On the other hand I'm worried that this means you'll never get magazines for weapon classes that you aren't putting perk points into making it a little harder to have a good variety of weapons that use all the ammo types in the game. The main reason why I think the changes to ammo drops and other things work currently is because you can just make the pipe guns and use a different ammo type with another gun when you run out of one kind of ammo, even more so when you move past the pipe weapons into the 1st, 2nd and 3rd tiers of loot.

    I think overall this will be an excellent addition to the game but I really hope we don't have a ton of really badly balanced versions of this initially or it will put a lot of people off on the system entirely. First impressions do matter a fair bit so I hope a lot of time and effort goes into finding the right balance for this system in terms of drops and how they scale with the pace of leveling up and increasing difficulty as we players progress through the game.

  6. Ok first of all, I finally made an account to post on here after like 2-3 years of just lurking and reading news bits now and then lol. However when I saw this post I really did feel the need to speak up because of the level of ridiculousness in it. So lets go through it line by line.


    9 hours ago, Mad_Dane said:

    Either you go questing and looting or you play the rest of the game with a T1 stone axe and bow.

    This is definitely wrong in alpha 20 as currently miner 69er allows you to upgrade your tools at least to level 5 quality, but yes you will largely be limited to primitive tools and weapons. However If you aren't questing or looting AT ALL, then you are also missing out on like 80% of what the game has to offer you. Not that questing and looting is 80% of the game mind you, but that if you aren't questing or looting then you also aren't exploring any of the POI's in the game and that is a travesty.



    Building in a voxel engine is what makes this game special, there is much much better survival games out there!

    What survival games out there are better? I agree that the voxel part creates an amazing customizable world, I love being able to mine and alter the world as I please. To me 7 days really is the best survival game out there largely because of this system in combination with the looting and the many many POI's to explore. The random world generation is the crown on top because it adds a really amazing level of replayability to the game that almost no other survival games out there posses.



    Forcing everyone to go loot completely defeats the purpose of making an open world game!

    What? I'm sorry did you even read this sentence before you hit enter? Because all you have to do is read it again and it doesn't make any sense. The point of making an open world game, is having an open world for you to explore and interact with. How is incentivizing someone to go out and explore and find things defeating the purpose of said open world? To some degree I could understand if you meant that the game is far too reliant on the quest system to give players loot and I do feel that way also but going out to loot is the same as going out and exploring, you can't do one without the other, and if you aren't exploring anything why are you even playing open world games?



    And in case that went over your head, I like building big VERY big and it's simply not feasible to do solo, before you have motor tools, harvesting skills and all workstations, with the slowed down progress (From when you killed learning by doing), I already needed to spend upwards of 300 hours in a single seed to make a large build and now you want to slow it down again, by forcing me to go loot 2000 magazines before I can even get started building big!

    I can honestly say that the only part of the game that I've played that had this learning by doing system was the Darkness Falls mod, and while in concept I really liked the idea because it made a lot of sense, in practice it was extremely boring and tedious and took a ton of resources and time to even slightly increase my skills. I also like to do larger builds, you didn't specify any kind of dimensions so I'm not totally sure what you meant by that, and I've never had any problems with spending a little time outside of building to go get some resources and maybe find better tools in say a Working Stiff tools building. If you read what they said clearly then you would understand that A) The perks are still going to be important, investing in Miner 69er will make those tool magazines drop more often and we don't even know what those drop rates will look like so there is no reason to believe it will be slowed down any more than the current build is. B) If building is your only concern then you won't need to find nearly that many magazines. C) They specifically said that some things will have 100 levels while others will have less as necessary, the pictures they showed were only for the robot turrets and the shotguns so we don't even know if that really applies to tools nor do we know if those pictures represent the finalized values for each category of this new mechanic. Just slow your roll and chill, things are still prone to change.



    Edit: Crafting has been useless since you removed the ability to craft T6, it's basically only used to plug the holes from when RNGeesus hates on you, this new system won't fix that.

    I would very much disagree on this point. Because of the fact that items have a random stat roll added to them a level 5 item that you craft can still be better than a level 6 item you find or buy. The only reason I would take a level 6 item that had worse stats than a level 5 would be if I really wanted the extra mod slot for a mod like maybe throwing in the tempered blade mod into a pickaxe or whatever. Of course if you are only ever crafting primitive weapons/tools you wouldn't know that because they don't have any random stats associated with them, they are the same every time.

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