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Aiden B

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Everything posted by Aiden B

  1. Thank you both for responding. I have resolved the issue. Apparently a ram setting in the bios caused instability. It was stable enough to run the desktop and some games and programs, but not 7 Days to Die for longer than 10 or so minutes. With the adjusted setting, the game does not crash anymore.
  2. Thank you both for responding. I have resolved the issue. Apparently a ram setting in the bios caused instability. It was stable enough to run the desktop and some games and programs, but not 7 Days to Die for longer than 10 or so minutes. With the adjusted setting, the game does not crash anymore.
  3. Summary: (a short description of the bug) Game crashes randomly Game Version: A20.5 b2 Stable Platform: Steam OS/Version: Windows 10 CPU Model: AMD Ryzen 7 3700x System Memory: 64 GB GPU Model and VRAM: AMD Radeon RX 6800 XT (16 GB VRAM) Screen Resolution: 3840 x 2160 Video Settings: Custom (High with motion blur turned off) Game mode: MP Host Did you wipe old saves? No Did you start a new game? Yes (just for testing and it still crashed) Did you validate your files? Yes Are you using any mods? No EAC on or off? On Status: NEW Bug Description: My friends and I play 7 days to die online and I'm the host. I recently upgraded my graphics card and the game keeps crashing. I have updated my drivers and validated the files. I've tried everything I could think of to fix the issue, but I can't get the game to stop crashing. I can launch the game and play for around 5 minutes, but then it just suddenly stops. Sometimes the game freezes and shows the program has stopped responding, other times the game freezes my entire PC and then my PC restarts. And then on top of that, sometimes the game shows error messages at the top and then crashes. Detailed steps to reproduce the bug: 1) Play game 2) Walk around for a bit (usually for about 5 minutes) shooting zombies or whatever 3) Game crashes Actual result: (description of what is occurring) Game crashes Expected result: (what you expect to occur) Game doesn't crash Logs https://pastebin.com/gV59HELQ - Multiplayer (had to remove some of the duplicate null reference exceptions - the file was too long for pastebin) https://pastebin.com/3T6cyTMi - Single player --- https://pastebin.com/EHLGY7Lu - Generated world map_info.xml (there is no GenerationInfo.txt)
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