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Posts posted by zombiehunter

  1. On 5/9/2024 at 5:18 PM, Unamelable said:

    I am now at a stage in the game where I can have high tier items. And the game has started spawning these ammo containers. Which ruins the entire balance of the game. Sure obviously we have to use firearms against green zombie variants. But it completely breaks the need for regular melee weapons. Why save ammo, and collect resources to craft them if you can find one box that gives resources for the whole team for a week in advance.


    I really hope the developers are doing melee rework because it is unfair to add basic mechanics that by the end of the game become useless simply because against us now comes a horde of protected zombies.


    Again I'll bring up the point about the chainsaw being ineffective in combat in this game, and you're being hit anyways. Since the chainsaw does not have any stun against zombies. If the developers are still pouring ammo on every building, what is the point of arguing chainsaw / drill as "the only effective weapon among melee" which should initially be used to cut down trees. But the chainsaw is useless for its primary purpose, simply because a steel axe does a better job than a tool that consumes fuel anyway.


    Nerf specifically this type of containers, or don't spawn them end-game at all. It completely breaks the balance of firearms and kills the point of using melee.



    If you feel these containers are OP, here's an idea...leave the ammo in them!  The game is not forcing you to take it.  You say it makes melee useless.  No it doesn't.  Using firearms or melee is your choice.  It shouldn't matter how much ammo you have when making that choice, unless you have none which forces the use of melee.  This game gives you choices.  For some reason you seem to think it forces things on you.  It does in a few cases but railing about this comes across as whiny and narcissistic as you want them removed from the game because YOU think they are OP.


    With all of the posts you've made complaining about this game it's a wonder you haven't just uninstalled it and moved on to something else.


  2. 7 hours ago, Unamelable said:


    This is a compilation of what @%$#ed me off, now I'm customizing the game for myself because I don't want to play in vanilla which I despise

    I still don't get why you play a game you despise.  Maybe it's just me but if I fire up a game and it turns out I despise it, I move on to another one.  Problem solved.

  3. 3 hours ago, Unamelable said:

    I don't consider the argument from hackneyed indulgences that are unsupported by any evidence.


    I'm interested in the game, and just because I say so many negative things about it doesn't mean I hate it. I'm talking about how it can and should be improved, the game has a solid foundation on which the developers have not even put walls, and even if they did. They must have fallen down a long time ago. I have previously written its merits for which I am not ashamed to enter it. And all the negativity formed under the first impression, and this is very important. If the game does not give decent impressions. Then it is assembled incorrectly.

    It doesn't give decent impressions to you.  That doesn't mean the game is bad.  That is simply your opinion.  My opinion is that this is one of the best games I've ever played.  Different strokes for different folks.  This is one of those "agree to disagree" moments.


    Regarding your "assembled incorrectly" comment, perhaps you can go to work for TFP and straighten out all of their mistakes so the game will provide joy and fun instead of misery and doom.  I can't wait.

  4. On 5/12/2024 at 5:16 AM, Unamelable said:

    Coupled with the unfinished mechanics of the game, it feels like a game that just came out yesterday. I don't see what the developers took so long to do other than assets, RWG, graphics, and stability. Everything else is very raw and needs total rework. At least for the sake of the players, because the game is played to enjoy and not to frustrate because of - for idiotic rules. The main basis of any game is fun, I see in this game only misery and doom. And it would be good if it worked like Project Zomboid. But I feel it because of underbaced mechanics that completely ruin immersiveness and logic in the most ordinary things.

    I get it, the game doesn't work for you, but why are you here, posting on this board, if this game is idiotic and does nothing but provide misery and doom?  Why are you playing it?  As others have suggested, uninstall it and  move on.

  5. On 3/17/2024 at 1:52 PM, Reaver Black said:

    Finally. While I'm here I feel it's worth mentioning the egregiously exploitable mission reset oversight that goes a little something like this.

    1. Get yourself a 5* mission where the final massive loot pile is barely out of reach (Eg. Red Mesa)

    2. Start mission, ignore the whole mission, tunnel into final prize room, grab everything.

    3. Exit game and re-enter to respawn outside with the bouncing "!". Take the mission again, it ALL respawns. Repeat infinitely.

    This has got to go. Thanks to this I have 100+ crates maxed out of damn near all of the games most valuable items aswell as over 1M Duke coins. It removes all reason to play the game!


    With all respect, I would say you yourself is ruining the game if you can't control yourself from doing this.  This is a choice.  Try playing straight up, maybe you'll enjoy it more.

  6. On 2/22/2024 at 7:12 PM, rafineria888 said:

    Can you focus on optimization instead of adding new features?

    I have the best hardware you can imagine and this game runs on medium settings at 50-90 fps (70~75 avg while moving) in medium-big POI (Two Bit Tower).

    It's unplayable while fighting more than 6 enemies at the same time.


    People don't complain only because they play this game on a average computers and don't expect decent fps.

    Those who play on better computers don't complain because the game is so good that the lags aren't the reason for uninstalling this game.
    But anyone with great computers should cry hard and complain because the absolute minimal expectations aren't satisfied.

    I literally can't get more than 85 stable fps with the lowest settings and resolution.
    It's time to go back and fix your game engine. Each year people will have better hardware and each year this problem will strike harder. At some point 7dtd will be stigmatized on social media and communities as a unoptimized crap and that will be end of the story for you.

    People won't buy this cheap argument that "7dtd was meant to be played at 60fps". This is 2024, not 2008. 144Hz monitors are absolute standard now and so should be fps.

    Best hardware you can imagine?  Something's gotta be wrong with your setup.  Are you running 4K?


    I just built a new machine:  i7-14700k, 32GB DDR5 RAM, SSD drives, RTX4070 Ti Super, 27" 144 Hz 2K monitor.   I'm getting ~200 frames driving around outside of cities and ~50-90 frames in cities and T5 buildings, with 90% settings on Ultra.  The game is playing silky smooth and my machine is not the "best hardware you can imagine."  It is the exact opposite of "unplayable."

  7. Greetings, and welcome.


    I'd like to reiterate what Riamus said.  Nerd polling is a choice.  You aren't required to do it so if you think it is cheesing, simply don't do it.  Other people may like to use it in a zombie-fighting scenario and if so, what harm does it cause you?  Let people play how they want to play.  Personally, I like having the mechanic in the game specifically for the purpose Riamus stated: building tall structures.  I don't typically use it for fighting or getting to the loot on a rooftop for example.


    Anyway, I hope you're enjoying the game!

  8. 15 hours ago, Max Headroom said:

    My friends and I believe that the quest reward system is OP and there is no particular reason to explore the world since you can just run quests from a few traders and get all you need. 


    So we will be doing a play-through without trader given questing. I was going to make a map with no traders at all, but it was pointed out that traders were the only place to get water filters for dew collectors. We've also turned off loot respawning and supply drops. We must keep clearing POIs to survive.


    To support this I have created a large 16k map featuring huge cities. Once we've cleared an area we must move on. Should be interesting.

    I've done a few no trader playthroughs and it does make the game feel a lot different, although I only play single player.  I think you'll enjoy it.

  9. Try playing without doing Trader Quests, or better yet, do not allow yourself to visit the Traders at all.  I think you'll find you need to craft much more, out of necessity.  This can be circumvented a bit by going into the Snow and Wasteland biomes early due to the increased loot stage but still you will need to craft more than you would if you utilize Traders.


    That's been my experience anyway.

  10. I know TFP worked on the drone for A21 and it is true that it no longer gets stuck or lost in a big T5 POI.  However, the problem with it getting in your way while mining, placing blocks, and especially getting in your line of sight while a horde of Zs is coming at you still remains.  It seems it is programmed to get in front of you so that you can "talk" to it when you need to.  That is a problem in the aforementioned scenarios.  I wish they could (would) program it so that it is just in your vicinity and when you need it you press a predetermined key and it comes to you.


    As it is now, I have a hard time using it still because of these issues.

  11. On 1/2/2024 at 8:35 PM, NekoPawtato said:

    Does she show up briefly when you do "cr f" and then disappear? If so, try using "dm" command in console to enable debug mode first before you do the "cr f"

    I did the 'dm' command and then 'cr f'.  She does appear for a split second and then disappears.  So I thought about using God Mode to go underground to see if she was there.  YEP!  Right under the surface.  I was able to turn in the job and get another one.  I guess that is what I'll have to do with Jen in this playthrough.


    Thanks all for your suggestions!

  12. On 1/1/2024 at 8:01 AM, Ramethzer0 said:

    But I did kinda internalize a few things regarding the OP's experiences at first, so I'll add a little bit of context here:  I get a strange dual edged chuckle when people 'discover' a thing that's definitely been around before and presents it as news.  On one hand, I am happy they found something that gives them joy (whether its recapturing the challenge in 7 days or discovering music from the 80's for example) but I also cant help but the chuckle that comes when people say 'Oh, you gotta try this!'

    I don't believe I was "presenting it as news."  I was simply sharing my experience from playing a no trader playthrough for the first time.  I've got over 1000 hours in this game, always playing the "quest grind" and wanted to experience something different and wanted to share that experience with the community, realizing that some probably already have played this way.


    I also don't believe I said "oh you gotta try this."  I've read several posts from players complaining about how they believe the traders and their rewards and stock are way too OP.  My comment, "Anyway, I just wanted to share and for those who think the traders are too OP with their rewards, I think you should try a playthrough without using the traders.  You may like it better." was directed at those folks as a suggestion.

  13. 2 hours ago, SylenThunder said:

    NPC has fallen through the floor. use console command "cr -f" to reset the POI, then exit the game completely.

    Thanks for the response.  Unfortunately that did not work.  I tried it while standing in the trader POI and while standing outside of it.  I completely restarted both times and she is still missing.  Any other thoughts?



  14. So I finished a job for Jen and when I returned to her, she is not there.  I can hear her voice, but she's nowhere to be found so I can't turn in the job.  I exited the game fully and restarted but that did not fix it.  Anybody else have this happen?

  15. 31 minutes ago, SylenThunder said:

    Not entirely correct. There are two or three POI's that have a broken dew collector that is lootable. There is a chance for the filter to appear in the loot list for that block. Do not destroy them.

    Yes I know there is a possibility but I only came across about two of them and neither had a filter.  In fact, I have never found a filter since they were introduced.

  16. Greeting Survivors,


    After playing several playthroughs of doing the trader quests all of the time I thought I'd want to do something different.  So I started a new game and did not allow myself to even go to a trader...not to sell or buy anything or do any trader quests.  I also turned off loot respawn (I always do that anyway), and turned off air drops.  I played at Survivalist level with 64 zombie blood moons and went with a Strength build.  I wanted to share a few observations.


    • You basically have to craft everything.  This could be good for those players that think the traders are OP.
    • Without the traders, I couldn't craft any dew collectors.  This really didn't matter as I know where to find murky water and I also found a water filter mod fairly early.  Water was not a problem at all.
    • Food was not a problem...it never really is.
    • I didn't find my first real (non pipe) weapon until day 20.  I found a level 5 AK-47 in the snow biome.
    • I didn't find my first pistol (level 1) until day 27.
    • I never had much money, so it was hard to buy out of vending machines.  I like to buy Jail Breakers and Rock Busters, but couldn't do it much in this playthrough.
    • I usually pick up items just to sell them but in this playthrough I didn't, which saved inventory space.
    • Generally, progression was slower than playthoughs with traders.
    • I found that my main objective was finding the books and magazines I needed to be able to craft the items I wanted.
    • It felt like I was really alone in the world.
    • I felt like I had more freedom to do what I wanted or needed to achieve my goals.


    The playthough was fun and different but I started to get bored with it after I obtained everything I wanted, which was sooner than I usually get bored enough to stop and start a new game.  I played until day 66 until I stopped.


    Anyway, I just wanted to share and for those who think the traders are too OP with their rewards, I think you should try a playthrough without using the traders.  You may like it better.



  17. On 12/7/2023 at 9:16 AM, Wave said:

    In real life, you will not loose jar or bottle after drinking from it.


    I think this is where you need to "rethink" your line of thinking.  The game is not a real life simulator.  For example, can you carry around a 4x4 truck in your backpack in real life?  Can you dismantle a car and magically collect the gas in a gas can you didn't have, and then carry all of the parts in your backpack in real life?  These are just two of the many examples I can think of.


    The removal of the jars makes you play the game differently than you did before.  Once you accept that, water is not an issue.  I have had a few play throughs where I didn't even craft any dew collectors and again, water was not an issue.  Loot every toilet, water bottle, water fountain, coffee maker you can find and get a cooking pot early and you're good to go.

  18. On 12/2/2023 at 4:24 AM, Arez said:

    One of the main hallmarks of the zombie genre is the living getting bit (infected) by zombies and becoming zombies themselves. 


    I'm not familiar with any other game that has done that like how it's usually portrayed in the movies/shows. 


    Maybe this is already in the works but if it's not, I really really think that it would be so good for the experience. 


    I can picture it now. You're in a gunfight with some bandits. One of them gets blindsided by a zombie. They hit the ground, dead. Give it, maybe, 15 seconds and the body starts moving and twitching and gets back up and starts going for the nearest human. 


    Tell me that wouldn't be a perfect layer of icing on the cake.

    I kind of like that idea.  To go a step further, I think the same should happen to the player.  Not in 15 seconds, but if you get infected, if you don't cure it in time you turn into a Z and it's GAME OVER.  Permadeath.  As it is now, getting infected is not a big deal.


  19. 29 minutes ago, Laz Man said:


    Do you remember the zeds falling from the ceiling when you entered the room?  Trying to figure out if its an initial spawn issue versus a respawn issue (e.g. despawned and never respawned upon return).

    I don't fully remember but if I had to say one way or another I would say they did not.


    Thanks Laz Man.

  20. When I first started playing this game (A19), I wondered why if you crafted a weapon it looked like it had been in a dumpster for years.  If I craft a new weapon, shouldn't it look new?


    Anyway, I got over that and the appearance of the weapons don't bother me, especially not enough to not use them.  I use what is most effective at killing Zs, regardless of how they look.

  21. 12 hours ago, Laz Man said:


    Looks like you are in the final loot room ceiling.  Do you remember how you entered it?  Thanks for the screenshot, that helps alot.

    Yes I am.  I busted out the ceiling blocks trying to find the last Zs.  I entered through the designed path as far as I know.  That is how I play it so that triggers are not missed but in this case a trigger was missed somewhere.  This was the 3rd POI this happened in my current play through.

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