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Posts posted by Bmo

  1. I wanna start off by saying, I love a20! The RWG is just impressive, as for what it achieves. The cities and towns look great and feel great to play! Beautiful atmosphere and really fun moments to be had, especially when you alert the neighbours and it feels like an actual zombie movie is directed at your seat.

    On the topic of additional Random World Gen options, I'd like to add something. Slight tangent towards a20 rwg Trader questing ^^;

    -Add options to control how many "Major cities" generate, or better yet which biome. (this might already be solved by the biome slider, indirectly)
    -Weight based POI generation. As in more Tier4s inside the city itself, not in the wilderness. (factories, big tower, construction sites, sewer system exploration, all that cool lategame jazz)

    Current common scenario is:
    a) You find a city, it lacks Tier3-4 viable POIs. making that city "dry" for a longer stay. (common 5km+ paths once you reach Tier4 Trader Quests of that city)
    b) You find a city, with many POIs, it has a fluid and beautiful transition from rural/suburbs, to city, to main district. Plenty Tier2/3s around. Some Tier4s even in that main district. 
    But once you've done the Tier4s, they are "off the list", and you get sent miles away again.
    (This doesn't mean those POIs become obsolete, but you don't bother with them until the loot respawns)
    ((sidenote quest-type suggestion: "Recapture". Previously player cleared POIs respawn with higher difficulty zombies that re-took the cleared POI from the player.))

    RWG feels a little too uncontrollable, as for what you get gameplay wise in longer runs.
    I hope the addition of more big tile POIs and biome sliders fixes this indirectly. But more control over city size would be nice nontheless.

    short hype ramble wooo!
    Really excited for a21, gonna be checking this thread every couple days for a new thing to be on the list
    the worlds biggest dam couldnt hold my excitement for water rework, I'm hopeful it makes it!

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