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Posts posted by Khurune

  1. Wonder if this is correct behaviour since A21. I've noticed when trying to access the server via Telnet it's requires the password twice to connect. Is this a change made or a bug, as I used to run a fair few timed scripts for events and server messages, but these now fail due to

    The operation is not allowed on non-connected sockets

    So I tried via putty to make sure everything was OK, password ports etc and all is good, but then I noticed anytime I try to connect I need to put the password in twice as the first time will always says incorrect password as you can see in the putty screenshot below.


  2. I'm seeing this across multiple servers (maybe around 3%) I sat down with one server that had the issue and ended up deleting the following


    Now obviously this will be different for everyone, but that was a lot of regions that ended up getting reset, do we know what maybe causing this problem?


    The server has also generated a lot of error_backup files as well for this world.

    For this instance the map was PREGEN8k. Due to the size of the log (112MB) I've uploaded it to google drive, however I have redacted customers information (paths/IPs/IDs)


  3. Thanks for this Guppycur, I had to do a biome repair for someone earlier and it worked a treat, then I thought why not learn how to do height maps to, and here I am. Now to find one that allows me to draw rivers. XD


    Much thanks again.

  4. I can confirm that the current build of server tools is not creating the configs needed.


    I've seen this issue across multiple servers I've installed this mod for.

  5. Not new by any means, but I'll always back Games4Kickz https://www.youtube.com/user/Games4Kickz !


    I only had the pleasure of starting 7DTD on A10.4 And stumbled across this guy. A mix of great builds, fun times and an awesome personality, this guy is a joy to watch. If it wasn't for G4k I'd of stopped watching 7DTD videos a long time ago. Even when I have periods of months where I don't play 7DTD I still watch his videos daily!

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