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Everything posted by Lordmom3

  1. Honestly that answered all my questions. thank you!
  2. Hello! If anyone wants to join my multi player world and learn this game with me my name is lordmom3 and travel to zombieland. I'll be waiting.
  3. As background information I play on the ps4. And I realize I posted this in PC. I saw that too late and I can't delete it. Now my issue... every time I log into a multi player game it loads a new game. Now for weeks I've thought this is just how multi player works but I was playing tonight and some kid told me his stuff saves. Now granted this is a kid so that's why I'm turning to the adults. Is this how the multi player mode works? Also I do constantly get booted from servers told I'm disconnected from my Playstation network when I'm not. It's why I stooped playing tonight. I got so far and then I got kicked and I know when I search for a multi player game it won't load where I was and I will have to start over. On the bright side I have developed quite the system for finding everything I need fast. Please help me I love this game!
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