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Refugee (1/15)



  1. So i keep testing the theory that the lag is based around traders, i think that might have something to do with it since the only time im experiencing this is around traders.
  2. Kept trying stuff and it seems that this only happens in the Forest and Snow biomes, potentially only around traders, it least that's where I've experienced it the most severely
  3. Yeah this bug is a game breaker, it might be connected to exploring new areas since in my game this same thing is happening whenever I try to explore greyed out portions of the map, my 4x4 goes into hyperdrive and I drop frames down to like maybe a few frames a second, im running this game off of a computer with almost double the recommended stats so its not my computer, hope they fix it soon, lot of effort put into this world!
  4. Omg thank you so much, this means I can actually move a 160 hour world.
  5. Id really appreciate it, if you guys could not require a full world restart every time you update. It'd be much better if you could program it to allow an update to the world that already exists. I love this game, its super fun, but it sucks putting 80+ hours into a world and then, poof, new version and i cant play on my world unless i load up the old version. Please do something about this if possible.
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